Feminists’ Patriarchal Worldview Inspired MGTOW
“Feminists are less interested in equality than in creating a new world order, where women only come first”
“Feminists are less interested in equality than in creating a new world order, where women only come first”
UMass, the Triggering. Milo Yiannopoulos, Steven Crowder and Christina Hoff Sommers take on crazy. OH Ya! This is a live one
Part 4 of Janice Fiamengo’s series “Feminist Terminology.”
Can Feminism coexist? Luigi Logan (aka Fidelbogen) explains why it can not
In Episode 29 Professor Fiamengo discusses how feminists display the signs and symptoms of the mental disorder “Victim Mentality.” StudioBrule
Caroline Kitchens, a Senior Research Associate at the American Enterprise Institute breaks down the origin of the one in five college rape statistics. Here are the facts
Feminist thinks youTube is a cesspool of My Soggy Knees
Rape advocacy has been maligned and twisted into a political agenda controlled by radicalized activists. Tim Patten takes a razor keen and well supported look into the manufactured rape culture and it’s harm to both men and women
Feminism, immigration, up for discussion.