
Shame on feminism

Shame on feminism for betraying women and turning them away from their pain, for offering them a ‘get out of jail free’ card to bypass the true hard work of authentic healing. Neil Westlake shames feminists for reneging on promises to generations of women.

Don’t be THAT guy

Della Burton has been following the money, and it’s led her to the exploitation of rape and rape victims by Edmonton’s SSA. Until Men’s Rights Edmonton intervened, the only Voice being heard was the siren call of cold hard cash. To exploit rape victims for money, you first rob them of their agency. That keeps them suffering, and as long as they’re suffering their suffering can be farmed for bucks. AVfM’s printing-to-ripdown coverage of Edmonton’s postergate continues. [Illustration by Typhonblue]

Debate: is feminism hate?

Is Feminism hate? Well we suppose that if you believe it’s about equal rights then it’s not. But we’re starting to get the sense that this “equal rights” thing is a shield for Feminism’s real payload. And that payload is it’s hateful misrepresentation of history known as Patriarchy Theory. And if you believe in the theory that men have oppressed women for thousands of years, GWW is gonna school you.

Villains and fools

The Atlantic’s Stephen Marche has published an incoherent mess, FTB’s Richard Carrier is trying to tell us to address men’s issues by shitting on MRAs, and others follow similar paths. According to AVfM’s very own Diana Davison it looks like The Establishment’s getting desperate. Or confused. Or constipated. Or maybe their mental souffle has simply fallen flat. [Illustration by Typhonblue]

Feminism has a Mussolini flavor

The international press condemns us for comparing the feminists with the fascists, but the reality is that the comparison is valid. Lucian Vâlsan brings us a story about Benito Mussolini’s grand-daughter who has recently joined the war against Italian men. It seems that they don’t even try to deny it anymore! [Illustration by Europa Phoenix]


If you ask Gordon Wadsworth, feminism isn’t and perhaps never was a socially progressive movement. Tied to and subservient to archaic sex roles, feminism is just another expression of old school humanity, and as such it serves as an impediment to self-actualization for both men and women.

An open letter to feminists

Lindy West recently penned an article in Jezebel addressing the men (though she missed the women) of the MHRM. She even managed to superficially touch on some actual issues. But she still missed the boat. Gordon Wadsworth pens an immaculate response.