Women’s and Men’s Rights
As the feminist movement gained traction in the 1800s, journalists already identified the sexism so typical of feminism today.
As the feminist movement gained traction in the 1800s, journalists already identified the sexism so typical of feminism today.
Feminism, “your get out of masculinity free card”
It may surprise readers to learn that conferences like the upcoming ICMI 16 were proposed as early as the mid 1800s. Peter Wright gives an example.
Feature image by David Shankbone
“Feminism is a drive to increase female power with no clearly stated endpoint, and that feminism is impelled by a bottomless disaffection toward all things male.”
Paul and Blair White sit down and discuss being Transgender and the MHRM
Hannah Wallen discusses decades old research methodologies established by Mary P. Koss and its impact on subsequent studies leading to an ill-informed public.
Professor Fiamengo questions whether women really want equality, or just more privileges.
Emma Watson, that’s ‘rights and responsibilities’ not ‘rights and opportunities’.
Does Feminism enable female pedophiles? Clint Carpentier takes on RussianDeadPool to clarify this reality.