The primary victim of “equality” is not your daughter
“Some have touted this as a step toward equality. Many, however, seem outraged at the idea of imposing mandatory military service on women during wartime…” Hannah Wallen explores.
“Some have touted this as a step toward equality. Many, however, seem outraged at the idea of imposing mandatory military service on women during wartime…” Hannah Wallen explores.
Walter Preysler discusses why Black men need the MHRM.
Milo Yiannopoulos and Christina Hoff Sommers speak to the Minnesota Republic. Humorous, on point and well worth watching.
Paul Milana discusses his road from a supporter of women to what he describes as his road to Misogyny.
Six Minutes discusses how feminists do not concern themselves with men and picks apart an Elizabeth Broderick interview.
For decades, Men’s Human Rights Advocates tried to “play nice” with feminists, to no avail. Andybob details why the MHRM should stand on principles and refuse to compromise.
Rabid feminists are tired of giving rabies the bad name they’ve successfully given women as a class. August Løvenskiolds helps the dictionary makers sort through the debris.
Dean Esmay and Global Media Network discussing the MHRM and real men’s lives who they have helped.
Part two of a two-part series “Laird Wilcox and hate hoaxing.”
Andy Gonzalez suspects foul play on a survey of Men’s Rights Activists.