“Misandric Fixation” not found in DSM-V

As the new, and fabulously controversial, drug-dealers’ billing guidebook, namely the DSM (Diagnostic Statistical Manual) version 5 (or “V”), barrels forward toward publication, many observers are speculating about which of the new spectral “diagnoses” of “mental illnesses” – such as Intermittent Explosive Disorder. Oppositional Defiant Disorder. Mathematics Disorder, Sluggish Cognitive Tempo, and Sibling Rivalry Disorder – are to be canonized by the American Psychiatric Association, publisher of the DSM. One can be confident, however, that the designation “misandric fixation” will not be gracing its doctrinal pages.
Q: What is Misandric Fixation?
A: An obsession with eradicating maleness.
Contrary to what we might nowadays suppose to be the case, misandric fixation is not necessarily the result of subjection to ideological indoctrination. Historical cases reveal that the condition can take hold without the subject having been influenced by either Marxist or eugenics ideologies. Indoctrination can, obviously, exacerbate certain vulnerabilities in the subject – weaknesses of character which were pre-existent; yet indoctrination is not a necessary prerequisite to the misandric fixation condition.
By far the most well-known example of misandric fixation is that of Valerie Solanas, author of the 1967 feminist classic, S.C.U.M. (Society for Cutting Up Men) Manifesto. In 2011 public awareness of progressive feminist calls for the achieving of an anti-male utopia (to be manifested itself in violence against children and adults) was revived by the appearance of a Solonas-inspired organization in Sweden and by the disclosure of writings characterized by misandric fixation at a website called RadfemHub, founded by best-selling writer Pamela O’Shaughnessy.
Yet cases of obsession with eradicating maleness have been documented for well over a century, including formal organizations devoted to anti-male ideology. Misandric fixation manifests itself in a variety of forms, sometimes private, sometimes organized, sometimes violent, sometimes exclusionary, and sometimes even pan-species.
Following are but three, loosely related, historical examples of psychopathic women who were champions of anti-male predatory behavior. Two of these femmes fatales, Sarah Hyslop, a matrimonial terrorist, and Josephine Tzany, an avowed man-killer, were focused on a purported revenge motive that compelled each of these obsessive misandrists to “punish” as many men as possible for some perceived slight they claim to have suffered at the hands of a member of the despised sex, an “oppressor” whom none of the subsequent targeted men had even been aware existed. The third obsessive misandrist, Vera Renczi, seems to be an extreme case of a pathological – and homicidal – proprietary sensibility.
The three stories need little commentary. They speak quite eloquently for themselves, as you will see.


Sarah Hyslop – Newspaper story published in 1939:
In the year 1878 Sarah Hyslop, a nervous beauty of Scottish birth, found herself engaged to be married. The spirited girl could hardly sleep for excitement the night before the wedding was to take place in the little chapel at Leith. On the eventful afternoon she arrived at the church dressed in a bridal gown that was the envy of all the girls. She was happy, everything was working out—and then the sinking feeling came.
The groom had not yet arrived. Minutes ticked slowly by and the organist started playing all his selections over again. Miss Hyslop’s “friends” whispered among themselves,
and her father began to look like a thundercloud. At last, when the last guests had comforted her as best they could and left her alone, the “bride” stared wide-eyed into the empty street. She knew she was the talk of the town because her beau had jilted her at the altar, but she just couldn’t cry.
From that hour, until she died the other day, the disappointed girl never wept, according to those who knew her. She didn’t, however, retire from the world to be a sulking spinster. Instead she decided that she would turn the tables on men, and for ten years her trophies were their broken hearts. The jilted girl became a jilt and never missed a chance to hurt others as she had been hurt.
Her scholarly father, an official of heralds and arms, begged her to forget the embarrassing incident. Miss Hyslop turned a deaf ear on him, cashed her dowry, and left the community where she was a laughing-stock.
The cheated bride moved into a town at a considerable distance from Leith, and walked the hills in the evening all alone. She spoke to no one, and did not encourage others to speak with her. The schoolmaster of the town was intrigued by the silent stranger. Her pretty face was like a mask and he wanted to know what thoughts were going on in back of it. He found out, to his disgrace. A chance meeting on the road, and they became friends—and before long they were engaged to be married. The day came, but Miss Hyslop didn’t. She had jilted her first man, and revenge was sweet, as she recorded in her diary. The young schoolmaster was forced to leave his post because of the scandal.
Miss Hyslop, meanwhile, had gone on to new conquests. Through Scotland, England and France she left a wake of broken hopes and wagging tongues. In one year alone she effected 11 revenge matches. In every case she vanished when the bridegroom and witnesses had left the church.
In 10 years, 52 males had fallen to the girl who couldn’t get over her disgrace. But when she threw over the fifty-third man. something happened. He killed himself. And  then, too late. Miss Hyslop realized that she loved him. Her first romance that had been blighted in her home town was a schoolgirl affair—it was the disgrace that she minded, not the loss of the man who left her in the lurch. The last mistake of hers was different. She knew her fiancé cared deeply for her, and she felt herself returning his affection. The habit of years was too much for her, however, and the rankle of her first wedding-day still was present. She stayed away from the first wedding she ever wanted to go to, and cold hatred alternated with despair. To avenge the insult from a man she didn’t love, she walked out on a man she did.
The next day she heard the awful news. He had shot himself because of her.
Miss Hyslop moved to Nice, and in that gay resort shut herself away from everybody – even her servants. The fortune left to her when her father died was enough to keep her going for the rest of her days. She stayed locked up for 50 years. In her neighborhood the crabbed old woman was known as the “mad Englishwoman” and the “man-hating tigress.”
She hired only confirmed old maids, who had to vow that they would never marry, to serve her. They never could come into her room when she was there. The servant had to knock at the door when a meal was ready. Then the mistress would scurry into an adjoining room, and not come out until three more laps indicated to her that the servant had gone. Her reason for this curious procedure was not explained even in her diary, which told in detail most of her strange history.
When the servants found her door locked the other day and were unable to get in they called the gendarmes, who broke down the door. Miss Hyslop was sitting in a chair, primped up in a bridal gown, and plainly dead. Around her, covering the bed, tables and chairs, were 52 other bridal costumes.
Every day she had worn a different wedding costume, and pirouetted in from of the mirror as the bride-to-lie of the man for whom that dress had been intended. Every time she had laid plans to disappoint another man, she had bought another trousseau, and kept them all as a tally of her “spiritual husbands.”
But she wanted to die in only one of them, her notebook went on – and so when she know her days were about up, she put on the dress meant for her suicide suitor, and stayed in it until she died.
One other mystery she did not explain in her diary, and that was, where she got her money. Miss Hyslop had come into a small fortune at the death of her father, but not enough for her to live on so many years and leave the sum she did.
Police found that the man-hater had left, a will bequeathing considerable property to her servants, on condition that they do not marry, a condition they all have accepted. It has been suggested that the beau who killed himself willed her everything he owned, but if so, the secret has died with the old crone who collected bridal dresses with a vengeance.

[“Hated The 53 Men She ‘Loved,’” The American Weekly (San Antonio Light magazine section) (San Antonio, Tx.), Apr. 23, 1939, magazine section p. 2]


Josephine Tzany – Newspaper story published in 1926:
In one sense the kisses of a vampire are poison for her victims, but in actual fact those of Josephine Tzany, a beautiful woman of the Budapest underworld, were morally and physically poisoned, for after poisoning the soul of the victim they brought death as well.
The woman is known as the world’s worst real life vamp with justice, if only half the charges made against her are true. It is stated that for some years now her love affairs have been notorious, and always ended with violent death for the male victims.
At least a dozen lovers have died in her arms in as many years, but she has always come out of the death pact ordeals unharmed.
It is now suggested against her by the prosecution that she has deliberately brought her victims to the point of mad passion for her in which they readily assented to her suggestion of a death pact, out of which she backed after her victim had taken poison. It is declared that  in at least one instance she passed the poison from her own lips to the mouth of her victim in the act of passionately kissing him.
~ “I Am Dying.” ~
The drama was enacted in public In one of the restaurants of the city. She entered the building with her latest lover, a well-known military officer, whom she had taken from his young wife. When she had talked to him for some time she .rose to her feet with a cry and swayed as though about to faint.
Her companion rushed to her aid.
“Kiss me, darling, I am dying,” she said in tragic tones. When the lover made to obey she flung her arms about him and kissed him passionately. Locked in a passionate embrace, the two fell on the floor, and when the startled onlookers went to them the woman was sobbing hysterically and the man was dead. He had absorbed the poison the woman had carried on her lips.
The woman herself suffered no ill effects on this or any of the other occasions when she was supposed to have taken poison or administered it in this way to victims.
The accused woman defies the authorities to bring home to her the charge of murder
“I am an enemy of the male sex,” she declares. “Years ago a man wronged me deeply and broke my girl’s heart. I vowed to be revenged on him and his sex. I have kept my word, for I have made men suffer something of what I have suffered. They may say I am responsible for the death of these men, and they may even take my life for what they call my crime. If they do I shall be glad to die with the knowledge that I have paid my debt in full.
“I do not deny that I have derived pleasure from the sufferings of the men they call my victims. I have enjoyed every pang they suffered, every agony they endured. Pangs and agony have been balm to my wounded and bruised heart. My one regret is that I was not able to strike directly at the man who wronged me.”
~ A Home-Breaker. ~
Something of the hatred Josephine Tzany had for men she manifested towards her own sex, for in every case she chose as her lovers men who were happily married to young and beautiful wives.
“When my heart was breaking they had no sympathy, no word of comfort for me,” she declares. I will show them that I have the power to master the souls and bodies of men, that the strongest are weaker than children in my hands.”
“I glory in the fact that I have broken up homes that should have been happy. The fact that the man who blighted my life was married happily did not weigh with him. The wife from whom he came laughed at me when my misery was greatest. I have paid her back in full, and have made others suffer, too. My debt against Society is paid, and I have no further interest in the world.”
~ Gloating Words. ~
She might have added that she had struck at the wife of the man who had wronged her a greater blow than he had dealt, greatly as she may have been wronged. Learning that this wife had a lover she made it her business to find the man out, and once she had him in the toils she did not release her bold until the infatuated man had provided the first victim In the series of strange deaths that have been associated with her love affairs.
After that she waited patiently until the idolised son of the wife had reached the threshold of manhood, when she cast her spell over him, and the boy figured in yet another of the dramas of passion and death. When he lay dead in her arms she caused the mother to be admitted to see the havoc she had wrought, and when she came the vampire spoke gloating words that stung. The mother was subsequently taken away hopelessly insane. The accused woman discusses frankly the different affairs with which she has been associated. She has preserved diaries in which she records with amazing details the facts of each case, describing the sufferings of the victims as each in turn lay writhing in her arms in his death throes.
“I had no compunction about it at all,” she says, “ for was I not merely viewing the death throes of the viper that had stung me and killed my soul just when it was at its best?”
Since the facts came out she has been the object of one of the most amazing demonstrations of hostility that any woman could be subjected to. Wives and children of some of the victims have turned up at the courts and in public places to denounce her as murderess and home-wrecker, but so far from being moved by their anger, she has laughed at them and taunted them with the fact that she made the man they mourned her abject slave before he passed out of the world.
The latest sensation is that the daughter of one of her victims has challenged the woman to a duel with pistols or swords, and declares that if the challenge is not accepted and the vampire escapes legal punishment she will shoot her dead on sight.
[“Vampire’s Poisoned Kisses. – Men As Victims. – Her Thirst For Vengeance.” The Auckland Star (New Zealand), Sep. 25, 1926, p. 23]


Vera Renczi – Newspaper story published in 1925:
Roumania Servia and in fact the entire Balkans are excited over the preliminary hearings of the greatest female bluebeard of modern times. Madame Renici [Vera Renczi in other sources], a  Roumanian, aged 30, described as “beautiful as a picture,” charged with killing her two husbands, her ten-year-old son and thirty-two lovers.
The preliminary hearing, which have begun at Berkerkul, Servia, reveals that the prosecution alleges, she killed her 35 victims with arsenic and other poisons in their food. The bodies it is stated, she preserved by hermetically sealing them in zinc cans which she stored in her cellar. Each big can has the name and age of the victim and the length of time he was her lover. The average period which each remained favorite of the beautiful Roumanian was from six to seven months during which they lived in the greatest harmony and happiness, until the loved one would suddenly disappear.
The victims were all between the ages of 23 and 30, except the boy. Fourteen of them were Roumanians.
It is stated that the woman confesses to all 35 murders and in her replies to questions reveals an appalling cynicism.
Asked why she killed so many innocent persons, she replied:
“Out of jealousy, for I know that tomorrow they would run after another woman. So I said to myself they had better sleep quietly in my cellar without having to excite themselves.”
She said she killed her son because he knew about the contents of the cellar and she was in constant danger of discovery.
[O. B. Tolischus, “Woman Held For Killing 35 Persons – Slew Lovers and Preserved Bodies In Cans In Her Cellar,” syndicated (Universal Service), The Bee (Danville, Va.), May 22, 1925, p. 6] Link here for a more detailed article on Vera Renczi.


So we see, there three Vampire Monologues, reveal that long before taxpayers were to have their pockets picked to finance propaganda campaigns promoting “third wave” promiscuity and self-centered “empowerment,” there were women who had made great progress in developing strategies to resist the oppression of the patriarchal hegemony. Hyslop, Tzany and Renczi were each innovators in their own private “Good Men Projects;” each knew that the definition of a “good man” is a manipulated man and a controlled man. These sociopathic ladies were the equal of any male sociopath of their day.
The cure for this not-at-all-new Misandric Fixation disorder, which now has reached epidemic proportions, is to be found – in the opinion of this writer – not in any of the pills marketed by the orthodox sources that collaborate with the editors of the DSM but rather in the sort of pill, available free of charge to one and all, that is offered by AVfM: the best known cure for misandry in all its manifold guises: the fabled Red Pill.


 Author Disclaimer: I must confess that I myself have been diagnosed with the dreaded TCFBBSITDDD (“telling control-freak busybody scum ideologues to drop dead disorder”). There is only one cure for this terrifying social malady: ceaseless and aggressive fighting against tyranny, until a decisive victory against collectivist social engineering has been achieved.


Photo: Silent screen star Theda Bara as Cleopatra: film “Cleopatra,” USA, 1917 (public domain)
You’ve Got What? Curious Conditions, Debated Diagnoses,” ABC News May 27, 2008

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