In what appears to be an intergenerational scheme to extort property and money out of an innocent man in Potsdam, New York by two would-be false rape accusers, the judicial establishment in America has managed to do what would seem to be the impossible.
Sink even lower.
It is a sickening story, demonstrated to be perhaps even worse than the alleged criminality of the women involved. Some facts that come immediately to the surface are already a matter of public record. Christine L. Laraby, 45, and Miranda L. Laraby, 17, assumedly a mother-daughter team, allegedly managed to extort a 1997 Subaru out of a man by threatening him with a false allegation of sexual assault against the younger of the two women.
Emboldened by the man’s capitulation, the couple returned later, allegedely, demanding new tires and $500.00 cash, promising they would follow through on the earlier threat if he did not comply.
Like I said, a sickening story, but I am not talking about the accused liars in this case. News accounts of this case indicate the women were charged and released on their own recognizance.
That is right, the prosecutor and presiding judge in this case allowed these two to walk out of jail without paying a dime in bail money.
Unsurprisingly, the women’s lack of concern about their actions was evident even before being allowed to walk with no bail.
What do these mug shots tell you?

Do these women appear to be under arrest, or at a carnival taking fun pictures in a coin op photo booth?
These, gents and ladies, are the faces of untouchables. One look at their smug, smiling faces, and you can tell that they just know when this is over they will walk off without a scratch. And they are a reflective of a system of justice gone so far awry where it concerns false rape claims that not only do women know they can get away with it, it is now attractive enough to use in extortion plans.

But wait just a moment. Here is another smiling picture for you, that of District Attorney Nicole M. Duvé, for St. Lawrence County, who, on her government website, is pictured above the following alleged mission statement:
“It is the mission of the St. Lawrence County District Attorney’s office to fairly and diligently represent the People of the State of New York and the People of St. Lawrence County in all criminal proceedings, to safeguard the rights of victims, and to seek justice with steadfast and ethical determination.”
It is a statement that will likely prove far less credible than the charges against the Laraby’s.
We are attempting to gather more information on this case at the present time, so some of this information may be subject to correction.
But for now, this one has pussy pass written all over it.
For those interested, the contact information for Duvé is as follows:
48 Court Street
Canton, NY 13617
Phone: 315-379-2225
Fax: 315-379-2301
AVfM will be following this case.