Dear Sluts (Part Deux)

In April of this year, the under-employed, over-privileged and over-fed women of Toronto took to the streets in what they called “slut walk”. This was in protest of a Toronto cop’s advice that to avoid sexual victimization – women “should avoid dressing like sluts”.

The admonition was poorly worded, certainly – but it’s obvious to anyone with three brain cells that Constable Sanguinetti was not, as slut-walkers continue to claim “blaming the victims”. In fact, he was arguing for personal responsibility in a demographic who seems collectively unwilling to grow up and take the personal responsibility that typifies the transition from childhood to adulthood.

The “slut walk” was wildly successful, and is now being emulated in cities all over the western world.

The public purpose was some confused combination of the totally-dumbshit intention to “teach men not to rape” and public princess outrage over the supposed victim blaming of Michael Sanguinetti’s remarks.

The success of slut walk was not in the achievement of either of those goals, because those goals were horse-shit. To start with, men don’t need to be “taught not to rape”.

There’s a couple reasons why not, and since many of the readers of this will be particularly stupid sluts, I’ll type the next few lines v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y.

The vast majority of men have no desire to rape anyone. That tiny percent of the human population with inclinations toward rape are violent criminals of both sexes. Also, the concept of being “taught to not rape” is about as stupid as “teaching” murderers to “not kill”.

The funny thing is that everybody already knows this. Despite knowing it, we have a compliant public all indulging the fantasy that slut walk is a protest of any kind. Slut walk is not a protest. The participants are not protesters. They are plump, privileged princesses – flexing their pedestalized status and demanding the obeisance of nodding bobble-heads who mouth empty praise of the brave and noble sluts.

Not even the name of the event is true. They’re not sluts, rather; they are to actual slutdom what homeopathy is to the medical profession. For readers uninformed about homeopathy, it’s fraud.

I’ll state clearly what we all know, but that nobody seems willing to admit. Slut walk is possible at all, only because these privileged trotters are the most pampered, protected, consequence-immune demographic who have ever taken up public space in human history. Slut walk is nothing nobler than the indulgence of social privilege and the vacuous praise of overgrown children.

However, in this pretend outrage over victim blaming, the child-women participating in slut walks all over North America have chosen to make themselves victims. That’s the roll they’re claiming. They are insisting that the bad half of the population equipped with evil penises must not blame the victims.

Since every other part of slut walk is a lie, from it’s supposed goals to its obviously phony name – I don’t believe that claim that I shouldn’t blame the victims either. So, to the psuedeo-sluts of liar-walk, I’ll admit I do blame the victims. You are to blame for your victimhood, because it’s what you’ve chosen. Everyone nodding, cheering and congratulating you knows it too – the whole thing – its just that nobody quite has the balls to say it first. And that’s just one of the many services I provide.

You’re Welcome.

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