The position of advocate for men’s rights is one element in my view of the world, but not the only element. I’m also an individualist, a libertarian, and an empiricist. I lack any belief in gods, ghosts, or supernatural spooks, and I have previously argued over religion with literalist and fundamentalist believers in the Abrahamic god. These arguments I have since abandoned, as the conversations all had a circular quality. With respect to the possibly religious sensibility of this article’s readers, in some god-believers, adherence to a literal view of religion encompasses a will to sacrifice reason, reality, logic, observable fact and humane ethic. Some humans are made into zombies by their religion or by ideology.
Zombies are understood by most people to be an element of popular fiction, however, they do exist in reality. The BBC nature documentary “Earth” narrated by David Attenbourough describes a fungus which infects ants, altering their behavior to climb to a high branch, then clamp themselves in place before dying. The fungus then grows a fruiting body from the ant’s corpse – broadcasting spores to infect other unfortunate ants.
A living creature, modified in it’s behavior to self-destructive service of reproductive agenda of the infecting agent. In the ant’s case that agent is biological, a parasitic fungus. Anyone arguing that this is not an example of zombification in the real world will be merely splitting hairs over definitions. In nature, parasites modifying their host’s behavior to the destruction of the host has hundreds of examples, in the insect world as well as higher animals, including humans.
A collection of examples, easily found by anyone with a web browser have been omitted for brevity.
That zombies exist in the real world should not be a matter of dispute to anyone aware of host behavior modification by parasites. This becomes contentious when change in cognition or behavior is caused by some method other than purely biological. In my prior discussions on a topic abandoned as futile – attempting to defend a secular humanist ethic to followers of a literalist flavor of Christianity – I regularly found an obstinate refusal to regard the simplest and easiest observable reality. This can be simply and honestly called ideologically induced irrationality, and it is common.
For most MRAs this phenomenon will be familiar from attempts at rational debate with adherents to the religion calling itself feminism. That violent and hateful doctrine has in its modern form become a religion – and its followers as divorced from observable reality as the vocal advocates of a 6000 year old Earth. If you happen to adhere to that particular view of geologic time and my comment offends, get over it. Only an imbecile believes in 2011 that the universe is the same age as bristle-cone pines in eastern California.
An ideology is as effective in redirecting the behavior and cognition of its host as a parasite re-purposing an ant into a broadcast broadcast platform for the parasite’s spores. An agent which modifies it’s host to self sacrifice for the benefit of the infecting agent differs only in detail between biological infection and ideological infection. Zombies of an ideological zombification have been a recent topic of discussion within the MRM. I don’t call the shambling corpses of the conscious men project zombies simply to offer insult. These are humans who have internalized feminism’s droning, shaming narrative of hatred. Fear of rebuke from a generation of child-women and a bizarre lack of volition have turned these former men into the embodiment of what feminists have demanded men become. The conscious men are not satirists, they are the real thing, these are zombies, and they eat brains.
Unfortunately, dispatch of the infected by the preferred method depicted in popular entertainment wont be possible until and unless these zombies begin actually marauding and tearing up the furniture. The present population of infected pose little danger in spilling tea or intestines on the upholstery, but are most dangerous as carriers. The problem now facing men who oppose their own criminalization by an unstated acclimation of public virtue is how to oppose a passive zombie horde.
The answer to this came to me in the unprompted response from a female friend as I showed her the Dear Woman video.
Thirty-three seconds into the video, she informed me:
“I’m already feeling nauseous.”
After one minute forty seconds, she said : “I want to punch every single one of these guys in the face.”
This is the un-coached and visceral reaction from a twenty-five year old heterosexual woman I’m pleased to call my friend. The most crushing argument against this brand of emasculated zombie feminism is itself, in the real repulsion these creatures elicit from sane men and women.
As an unreconstructed caveman, to combat the ideological poison producing the flaccid examples of male feminism taken to it’s logical limit – I’m pleased to discover that my natural vigor, and continued cheerful belligerence is all the argument necessary. I’ll also thank my friend for her cheerful belligerence. By comparison to the masculine atavism of my own ethic along with various knuckle-draggers arguing for men’s rights, the realized outcome of feminized men is proving itself a social and evolutionary cul-de-sac. These zombies are a self-solving problem.
I can only hope their gyrations continue long enough for further use as object lesson before they distance themselves from further demonstration.