White Knights and Acolytes

Been meaning to do this for a while, and now the time is I believe, right. The Men’s Human Rights Movement (MHRM) is part of a larger activism spectrum, with feminists on one end – the nasty end – and Men’s Human Rights Activists on the other end – the good end. It is an eclectic mix of sites, blogs and youtube channels gradually coalescing around one single idea:


The reason I include feminism at the shitty end and included a shitty end, is because the MHRM is the answer to feminism, is the positive, and on-the-side-of-the-angels Human Rights Movement, to feminism’s negative and most definitely on-the-side-of-evil and hatred.

In between these two points is a mixed bag of, first, pseudo-feminists also known as “useful idiots,” pawns of feminism, who spout meaningless “women’s rights” rubbish and “I only believe in equality” crap. Aligned alongside them are the “White Knight” men who champion women, and not just demonstrably good women, but all women, because you see, all women are special simply for being women.

These white knights have other names: manginas, male feminists, “traditional men.” But I prefer a simpler more descriptive word – fools.

There are some other types in this mess in the middle of the spectrum that bear closer scrutiny. These are for example, the chameleons, the shapeshifters, the “whichever way the wind blows” types, one minute they’re for men’s rights, the next they’re talking about how women are actually “a bit discriminated against” don’t ya know?

They pay lip service to Men’s Rights but really don’t want to get too mean about bad behavior from women. Because after all they can prove that NAWALT (Not All Women Are Like That) because these are usually married men, or those in a long-term relationship who have a “good woman” and while they might have experienced a quick blast of truly toxic femininity in their lives, it passed, and they dusted themselves off and voilà, everything came up roses for them.

What they don’t actually comprehend, or even glimpse, is that their constant smug affirmation of how “happily married” or “happily coupled up” they are, is an insult. It is a self-absorption of such massive proportions that it blinds them to two things:

The core mission of the MHRM, and the majority of experiences of most men and boys.

It is a slap in the face, a calculated and blithely unaware insult to that core mission, and to the men and boys for whom the MHRM exists to support, to fight for, and to stand up for.

I’m glad they’re happy, pleased they have this in their lives but, they are the lucky ones – the blessed – the exception. This is a good thing, but to wave it in the faces of the men and boys who the MHRM exists to serve is thoughtless.

But, they are either incapable or unwilling to see beyond the end of their own noses, to step outside their own limited perspective and see the big picture. All issues must be filtered through the rose-coloured spectacles of their personal lives. Oh yes, they’re “sympathetic” and have a superficial grasp of the issues. But the fact that it never occurs to them to shut the fuck up about what a great life/wife/girlfriend they have and continue to wave this smug little world in the faces of deeply hurt, devastated and angry men illustrates how clueless they are about what the MHRM is about.

These are the acolytes. If it’s got a vagina then they’re hooked, if it plays the “woman card” then you may kiss men’s rights goodbye, if it says “I’m just a girl” then it’s “gosh darn it and shucks, let’s just make a nice comfy place for this little gal to sit herself down” and of course “guys watch your tone, there’s laaaaaaaaaaaadies present – watch that mouth buster!”

Which leads me on to the next group in this mixed bag. They are perhaps the most devious, the most underhanded of all, the “I’m not a feminist but….” types. These are those who see the wind changing, who recognise that feminism is dying and realise that if feminism dies, if Men’s Rights become a viable and potent force in the cultural, social and political world, then the “women are special” myth dies as well.

This is exactly what is starting to happen. Feminism is dying, women are losing the shield of “perpetual victim and perpetually special” that has served them so well, helping to absolve them of accountability and personal responsibility for themselves.

So, they come, they come sniffing around men’s rights sites and blogs with a very specific agenda, to tame men’s rights activism, to give it a female twist, to bend it into a woman-centred shape, that they can approve of. After all, men don’t get to have rights movements, men couldn’t possibly know what the important issues are, nope, men need a certain type of female to come along and knock them back into shape.

They write articles about how “everybody just misunderstands feminism” and “women are still not equaaaaaaall” and “men are still being mean to women”, and on and on and on.

But, as with all things, women know that in order to get men to readjust their attitude, they need other men to act as “enforcers” to prevail upon their “brothers in arms” to “see things from the woman’s perspective.” Again.

We are witnessing the birth of feminism 4.0, the “man-friendly” feminism, the “here’s a few crumbs now shut up and let us take care of this whole men’s rights” hoo ha.  This is the feminism that is now evolving to take into account the growing voices of men, those voices that must not be allowed to get out of control, they must not be allowed to drown out women’s voices (as if that was even possible) therefore, some small concessions must be made, a few crumbs thrown men’s way, but the goal?

Feminism gets to remain in charge, feminism still gets to control the discourse, and that discourse will be, and always is, from a Woman’s Perspective.

But, of all these idiots, worst of all are the male fools, the ones who write articles about how big of a fool they are, who proudly announce their stupidity by declaring themselves to be feminists, how they support “women’s rights” and how all you guys need to get back on your knees and start worshiping the golden uterus again.

Let me explain something for those of the “thinking is hard” mindset: feminism entrenches and translates gynocentrism into political power, it informs public policy, legislation and economic policy.

But it is Women, feminists or not, who entrench hypergamy, the disposability of men, the cultural, political and socially, lesser status of me into everyday life. Women who perpetuate, validate and insinuate the anti-male bias that exists in and at every level of our cultures and societies. Women who drive the engine of feminism, who feed this toxic vile ideology with the corrosive and putrid fuel it needs to keep going.

I’m female, and there is not one single Human Right that I do not have, and then some. Where I live there is absolutely no law, no piece of legislation in existence, that violates any one of my universally-recognised Human Rights. Not one.

In order for me to obtain, or be endowed with, any more “rights” I would have to become a feminist and find some pathetic meaningless pointless “issue” to have a whine about.

And Hell will Freeze Over, before I would become a feminist, in fact, before I would give two flying fucks about “women’s rights.” Anyone, female or male, who thinks or believes for one microsecond that “women’s rights” is a valid issue is a moron who wouldn’t know a Human Rights abuse if it jumped up and bit them on the backside.

So, could all you fools, white knights, manginas and acolytes playing at being Men’s Rights activists kiss my female Irish arse and grow a brain. Thanks.

This item first published on Not A Feminist.

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