The final sacrifice

For the first time in history men are starting to address the concept of male disposability. Most of us hope that male disposability is merely a long standing social construct that may be dispatched with careful education and diligent application. What if it is not? What if it is, somehow, encoded in Y chromosome DNA and there is no prospect of dismissing it from our very natures? The tangible result of fully embracing a biological determination at the outer limits of its realization would be the exactly the same as the repudiation of an obsolete cultural meme.

As we understand it, male disposibility is the willingness to sacrifice that which is ours for the sake of women and society. If we absolutely must do so then let’s make it count. The value of a sacrifice is proportional to how much it is cherished by the donor.

Some sacrifices made in the past:

Our Fortunesfor pikers – Whether it be a few coins in the Salvation Army kettle or vast corporate scale philanthropy, charity is an inferior sacrifice because it is an offering of material, not of the soul. Though there can be much benevolence behind it, the gift, itself, is impersonal.

Our Freedomsmall potatoes – Military enlistment, matrimony and monasticism are examples of renouncing freedom. Though they are spiritual commitments, they narrow one’s scope from a wider to a smaller world. One has to wonder if they can be considered a sacrifice at all in some cases because they are sometimes used as a voluntary refuge or outlet for personal ambition.

Our Chastityno pain, no gain – To remain chaste is to defeat a very strong biological imperative. No mean feat. But is it a sacrifice or an orderly retreat in the face of stronger punitive factors such as STD’s, a corrupt legal system and acrimonious interpersonal relations?

Our Liveswe can do better than that – Death is often called the supreme sacrifice. I beg to differ. Men have been willing to die for things as crass as money. Men have thrown their lives away for rabid patriotism, religious zealotry, mindless ideology and a host of other ephemeral and questionable reasons. Most often, men forfeit their lives to protect something even more dear, namely, the esteem and approval of women.

If men were in bitter earnest about making the most meaningful sacrifice, that sacrifice would be the regard of women. It is so valuable that men routinely lose life itself to secure it. It is moral because under the utilitarian definition of morality, if every man in the world forsook female approval simultaneously, conditions would improve. Lastly, it would be a highly personal act of devotion toward the betterment of all mankind. A most fitting sacrifice.

If male disposability is a social construct, then we extinguish it in accordance with our manifest will. If it is a biological directive, then we fulfill it by laying female approval on the alter of our DNA. Either way, disposibility is gone.

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