The basic mission: be an iconoclast

Feminism is radically open to question. Never forget that.

That much being said, let’s get one thing straight: Feminism is not mandatory. You have zero obligation to think like a feminist, talk like a feminist, act like a feminist, live like a feminist, or support feminism in any way.

Feminism is just one of many ideological belief systems operating on planet Earth. It was contrived by human agency and its license to exist may be revoked by human agency at any time. (Wink, wink!) Feminism is not a privileged snowflake (although feminists want you to think it is). It carries no special mandate or divine right. There is nothing “woo-woo” about feminism, and no genuflection is owed to it.

We should add that feminism is not a race, or more to the point not a biological birth group. That’s right, nobody is born a feminist. Feminism is an elective state of being; you must choose it. This means that you are free to reject it, or free to kick it out of your brain again if you unfortunately made an earlier choice to accept it.

Not only are feminists not a race, they are not an ethnic group. They seem to think they are, but that is because they are mimicking the behavior of people who claim protected status against so-called “hate speech”. The feminists want  a slab of that yummy pie too, if possible. When you say stiff things about feminism, they would like very much to swing the apparatus of law against you. (Name-calling and character assassination are not enough, it seems. They want to leverage the official power of state violence, under color of legality.)

Above all, feminism is not a sex. There are two biological sexes, male and female. However, there is no feminist sex. I repeat: there is no feminist sex. That may be perfectly self-evident to some of us, but a lot of people reject this plain bedrock truth like a vending machine spitting a dollar bill back at you.

The trouble is, that feminism is politically and institutionally hegemonic. It is a ruling force in human affairs, and that is simply a fact of life. This happened because certain humans worked hard to make it happen, while certain others stood by and lifted no finger to stop them. In consequence, feminism got deeply entrenched.

The crux of the difficulty is that feminism holds the power of a fetish, or sacred idol, in the public square. Some have even called feminism an unofficial state religion. Many people hate this so-called sacred object and wish to break its power, yet they fear to speak a word against it because they dread the social consequences that might follow. Furthermore, they aren’t sure where to get started because, frankly, the terms of the problem are not entirely clear to them.

If we wish to overthrow the power of the feminist idol and undo its stranglehold upon the public mind, we must visibly and dramatically challenge it, until non-feminist women and men feel emboldened to join in the fun.

Imagine, if you will, a dauntless iconclast who walks up to that idol with a sledgehammer, in full view of the world, and shatters the head into rubble with a defiant flourish and a maniacal laugh.

Clearly this would send a message. It would spread some shock waves, would it not? It would trigger a collective gasp, am I right?

Many, standing in the public square, would be emboldened to join in the fun. They would look each other in the eye and catch the glint of revolution. It would be instantly clear to them that they were not alone, that they had nothing to fear but fear itself.

The core principle is this: that when you publicly defy or desecrate a sacred object, you break the spell. You dismantle the mojo. You turn that sacred thing into a common thing once more, prone to the same treatment as any other common thing — the callous handling, the common touch, and so on.

I shall await somebody bold enough to swing a very public metaphorical hammer against the feminist idol. I expect that person will be a celebrity of some kind, ideally a woman, who stands up and thunders: “I’ve had enough and I will take no more! To HELL with feminism, and damn the torpedoes! Come and get me, feminists!”

Naturally, it helps to be a celebrity rather than an obscure nobody. An obscure nobody who wants to make his message heard, must capture the limelight by a signal-boosting strategem or “setup” — in common vernacular, a publicity stunt. But a celebrity can grab the limelight any time. When a celebrity talks, the world listens, and the message travels.

So if you’re a celebrity with the moxie of Martin Luther, and if you want to become a bigger celebrity, then nail your parchment to the door! Okay? Or if you know a celebrity, bring this talk to their attention and maybe it will inspire them along the lines we are suggesting.

There are less flamboyant but still valuable ways to assail the feminist idol and compromise its power. These are being carried out already by people in many places — the  war of attrition, the innumerable chisel strokes. It’s all good, it’s all taking a toll, and it’s all preparing the ground for those larger non-feminist breakouts that will occur in the fullness of time.

What is the bottom line here? What is the takeaway? It is that feminism must be challenged. Called out. Stood up to. Stared down. Made accessible to corrective forces.

There are many ways to make this happen. By far the most effective is to stand up and say, “I am not a feminist, and there is nothing you can do about that.”

This brings the feminist dialectic to a standstill, because it introduces an alien willpower into feminism’s self-contained moral universe. Seriously, what can they do about it? Feminism will have been fed something indigestible which it cannot ultimately ignore. That something is called “non-feminist alterity”. The implications are existential and primordial.

Above all idol-breaking.

In a word: iconoclastic.

“I am not a feminist, and there is nothing you can do about that.”

This deceptively simple statement reclines at the heart of the methodology we are preaching. The rest is details, and among these is the fact that feminism is on trial because all feminist claims and theories are open to question.

From the ground up, every imaginable thing about feminism is subject to a universal critique and an intellectual audit. You might say that we are calling feminism into the office for a little talk.

In closing, I repeat my call to anti-feminist celebrities: step out of the closet and swing a hammer at the feminist idol! Be bold. Be brave. Be defiant. Be a cheeky bastard and stand your ground. You have supporters everywhere.

If you are not a celebrity, do what you can to see that celebrities read this. Thank you.

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