ICMI2023 – Day 1

The first day of ICMI2023 saw fantastic speeches including Weaponising Women in Culture wars by Indian Youtuber Jeet.

Mike Buchanan wasn’t able to attend in person due to scheduling problems but provided a presentation played during the conference opening.

Several of the participants were each given royal a hat from the Maratha Empire which was based in Pune. We can be seen wearing these later in the conference.

I talked about International Men’s Issues & Perspectives. Jeet had mentioned a number of the same points during his presentation which helped to reinforce them.

Later participants were treated to the Elon Musk Pooja. We’ll explain that one on a later date.

The venue has provided fantastic food and we all enjoyed a traditional Indian lunch.

After lunch the conference split in to two streams, one about experiences with the Indian supreme court and another about conducting political campaigns on a budget.

We then heard from the SIFF Social Media team who offered a lot of useful insights in to conducting social media campaigns.

We also heard about a hunger strike conducted by Indian MRAs. At one point during the strike Anil Kumar was conducting a media interview over the phone while having his blood pressure tested. Another participant travelled an extended distance on public transport and conduct a public demonstration after two days without food. Dedication.

We finished off with a fantastic conference dinner. Later some of the Western attendees had a go at Indian dancing but we’re not naming names.

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