Barry Williams OAM

It is with sadness that we advise that Barry Williams OAM, former president of the Lone Fathers Association, passed away several days ago. Barry was tireless in advocating for the rights of fathers in Australia.

As a lone father of four children Barry became acutely aware of the lack of support that fathers were receiving. In 1972 Barry founded a chapter of the Lone Fathers Association in the Australian Capital Territory. He went on to advocate for the rights of fathers for decades.

Barry contributed to legislative reform and was ultimately recognised for his efforts with the medal of the Order of Australia. This allowed him to use the post-nominal letters OAM.

Barry attended and briefly spoke at ICMI17.

I spoke to Barry a number of times over the years and had the opportunity to get to know him a little better during ICMI17.

Barry will be missed.

The featured image depicts Barry in 1977.

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