
Sex and attachment

Why do we fall in love? Our analysis of the issues surrounding Men Going Their Own Way continues with Peter Wright’s overview into the nature of attachment and why humans are so fond of each other. The science about attachment that he reveals may surprise you and this historical context of just why we believe what we believe about men’s sexuality will definitely enlighten.

Panthers only: others need not apply

A “Jaguar” is supposed to be an older woman who is independent, stands on her own, and expects nothing from men except a good time and maybe an equal partnership. Do you think you find many of those for real at places like Jezebel, or just self-entitled bitches who pretend to be like that?[Illustration by Europa Phoenix]

Love and Friendship

Scholar and Man Going His Own Way Peter Wright has a look at people’s ideas about love and marriage throughout history, and concludes that much of what we today call “romance” is a historical aberration starting in the middle ages with the concept of courtly love and the image of white knights on bended knee, begging for a token from their Lady.