In Response To Stalinist Thugs Who Shut Down University of Ottawa
Exciting events transpired in Ottawa last night. More will be appearing on our pages about that soon, but in the meantime, here’s a great retrospective on 2013.
Exciting events transpired in Ottawa last night. More will be appearing on our pages about that soon, but in the meantime, here’s a great retrospective on 2013.
The responses continue about the phony outrage of feminists and the public posturing of police officials regarding the posters placed in Halifax, Nova Scotia by men’s rights activists. AVFM Canadian News Director Dan Perrins delivers a message of his own to law enforcement regarding the posters, and the MRHM.
The Men’s Human Rights Movement continues to expand across the world, spreading the message of equal compassion and human rights for men and boys, giving hope to millions–and anger to Gender Ideologues who profit on their suffering. The movement’s latest foothold? Ireland!
A cornerstone of the Men’s Human Rights Movement is Men Going Their Own Way. Peter Wright was recently taken by a conversation between Paul Elam and Dean Esmay on this, and transcribed portions he hopes all within the movement will read.
Last week Dr. Stephen Baskerville was kind enough to invite Robert O’Hara into his home for an interview. He is a professor at Patrick Henry College and author of “Taken Into Custody.”
Peter Andrew Nolan is a dangerous man–dangerous to himself, and dangerous to the human rights of men, boys, and yes, even women. A Voice for Men repudiates him as any part of the Men’s Human Rights Movement. Al Martin explains why.
On Tuesday March 11 the Unviversity of Alberta will be holding a forum called “Men and Feminism,” including Dr. Barret Weber and Dr. Lise Gotell, who have in the past made allegations about Men’s Rights Activists and Men’s Rights Edmonton.
Dan Perrins is calling men’s rights advocates to action. The Toronto Police Services have, yet again, erased male victims from a criminal investigation and need to be reminded that men are people too.
Bane666au has begun a new postering campaign. We support it and so should you.
When Elizabeth Sheehy wrote her book “Defending Battered Women on Trial” she thought she’d be ready for the response. Diana Davison doesn’t think Sheehy was prepared for COCK (Community Organized Compassion and Kindness).