Over-reading the nice guy
Clint Carpentier muses and speculates on what being “nice” really is, and what it means in women and what it means in men.
Clint Carpentier muses and speculates on what being “nice” really is, and what it means in women and what it means in men.
Despite claims that the phrase was invented during the last decade, the phrase “Men Going Their Own Way,” or variants such as “going his own way,” or “go his own sweet way,” is hundreds of years old.
A blast from the past from a YouTube channel you should be subscribed to.
It always comes across as peculiar when feminists dwell on women receiving the legal right to vote a few generations ago, and yet men still don’t have a legal right to genital integrity! Joe Wilson brings our focus back to the flesh and blood issue of male genital mutilation, which deserves attention from everyone genuinely concerned about human rights.
Boko Haram continues to terrorize Nigeria. But since men are the main demographic being killed and kidnapped, we rarely hear about it. Lucian Vâlsan postulates why this is the case.
When ‘soccer moms’ enroll boys in aggressive team sports to provide an outlet for male testosterone, are they helping boys to release aggression or rather creating an aggressive attitude that will need to draw upon the hormone to fuel it? Renown biologist Robert Sapolsky has some uncomfortable answers.
The story of Afghanistan is a story of children whose innocent smiles know a hinge of anxiety for they have seen too often how menacing life can be. It is also a story in which the UN and NGOs are more worried about the Patriarchy Theory than actual human rights. It is a story that you need to hear truthfully, for it’s a story of male children’s disposability.
We almost never endorse any product or get involved in anything that looks like that, but screw it, this is too awesome.
We will over the next few weeks continue to present full transcripts of all the presentations at the International Conference on Men’s Issues. Here we bring you Tom Golden’s speech from Day 1, June 27, 2014.
As a privileged cisgendered white man, Jason Bane takes a good look at all his privileges in modern society.