Women: Our Better Halves (1888)
Publishing here for the first time on the internet, Lester Ward’s 1888 essay about the superiority of women is bound to cause some facepalming.
Publishing here for the first time on the internet, Lester Ward’s 1888 essay about the superiority of women is bound to cause some facepalming.
Sometimes a little poison helps rid a tumor and bring about healing. One of many benefits of MGTOW is its chemo-like effects on gynocentrism
Who is that person next to you? Are they a friendly human being, or just pretending? Are they safe, or poised to lean over and take a bite out of your ass?
Sure, not all women are like this. Just enough to have some men dead in the street and a lot of fatherless children. Just what we all need, right?
Lester Ward developed his ‘gynæcocentric theory’ in a speech in 1888, providing a touchstone for later feminists and evolutionary psychologists interested in female superiority.
Differing explanations exist for why gynocentrism came into being, however no one in the MHRM doubts its existence. The question is how might we bring an end to it?
Gynocentrism on a global scale
Society wrings its collective hands about the loss of chivalry, but chivalry is far indeed from finished.
Feminists only want equal treatment when it works in their favour.
Paul Elam takes a look at one child molester and the society that thinks we are probably being too hard on her.