Human evolution and culture
Can gynocentric societies culturally regress rather than progress?
Can gynocentric societies culturally regress rather than progress?
Douglas Galby discusses the common-law concept of coverture and its negative impact on men.
As a small child, Mark Dent saw that the privilege and entitlement of women was somewhat scary.
A moving satirical response to Dear Daddy
Medieval clerics, white knights, and courtiers are standard-bearers of courtly love. A look into the historical perspective.
Tim Patten discovers the new sex aristocracy.
Douglas Galbi is back with a further exploration of the origins of courtly love, cultural misandry and the sad state of interpersonal relations between women and men.
Seeing yourself as a Republican or a Democrat is where the trouble starts. If you are either, you are part of the problem.
Doug Mortimer finds that those with a penchant for complaint are not easily satisfied.
Have you been Stang Riden? Peter explains.