Cubs of the Caliphate Slaughtered
The erasing of men and boys from public discourse. How Mainstream Media and Feminism hides the victims of war and suicide.
The erasing of men and boys from public discourse. How Mainstream Media and Feminism hides the victims of war and suicide.
There is a duplicity in the public and political discourse surrounding men and women. And Micelle Obama exemplifies it here as illustrated by Mark Dent.
Cassie discusses “The Red Pill” movie with Andrew Bolt and tells the world about gender equality.
Are males in the Western world displaying clinical levels of masochism? Has chivalry morphed into a thinly disguised expression of masochism? Psychoanalyst Arnold Kamiat explores the question.
Tom Golden details some of the obstacles traditional gynocentrism and ‘gynocentrism 2.0’ create for the modern male
Despite denials, feminism survives on a steady diet of damseling, chivalry and courtly love.
Paul Elam closing speech (ICMI 16)
Damseling, chivalry and courtly love form a holy trinity at the heart of gynocentrism.
The conflict between Honor and the heart; the origins of courtly love and gynocentrism
Cultural and legal circumstances affect the extent of cuckoldry in any given society, explains Douglas Galbi