Two very well-behaved boys left to figure things out on their own: Reflections on being raised ‘Blue Pill’
Anwar Y Dunbar with some important truths your parents didn’t teach you.
Anwar Y Dunbar with some important truths your parents didn’t teach you.
Continuing our series on the history of gendered customs, Raymond Cormier takes a look at the courtly love trope in modern movies.
Paul has some thoughts on violence committed against women in relationships.
Douglas Galbi digs up a little history showing how religious teachings discouraged gynocentrism.
In an age of great safety and convenience, perhaps its time to reconsider the role of chivalry.
Our culture focuses on men’s physical aggressiveness and turns a blind eye to the aggressiveness of women. Tom Golden takes a look at women’s relational aggression, how it works, how it relates to men’s issues, and importantly what are its connections to feminism.
#MeToo hysteria and the associated virtue signalling has climbed to a fevered pitch. Janice Fiamengo suggests its time for the hashtag #iDontBelieve
Feminist spin would have us believe that men’s rights advocacy is little more than a backlash against modern feminism. Peter Wright unearths a deeper history to the movement.
Feminists have been bashing men about sexism toward women for over a century. Perhaps it is time for women to examine their own sexism and how it may be harmful to men.
In the past men were warned and taught about the possibility of being cuckolded. In the highly developed societies of today, men are disparaged for showing any concern over the possibility.