Anthony Bourdain’s toxic masculinity
Paul with some reflections on the tragic death of Anthony Bourdain
Paul with some reflections on the tragic death of Anthony Bourdain
Some historical practices can help to guide us today, while others need to be relegated to the dustbin of history.
Many people assume gynocentrism is the unchangeable biological setting for all human relationships, but is it? New contributor TheAntigynocentrist challenges the belief.
Why are traditionalists so leery of discussing superstimuli, and how might we avoid their destructive impact on our lives? Paul Elam and Peter Wright explain.
Rachael Lefler delivers a smackdown to mainstream culture’s attack on geeks
Douglas Galbi contends that if the science of sexual selection is to advance beyond shallow stereotypes about men and women it must take seriously the work of uncredentialed applied researchers.
Feminists continue their social engineering, resulting in men and women forming increasingly different social classes.
Cassie Jaye appears to get some unexpected answers to her questions in this Red Pill Movie Raw File
Eva Barb gives The Book of Wicked Wife the red pill treatment.
Marty Nemko looks at typical labor patterns of men in relationships, and the frequently less-than reciprocal contributions from their female partners.