
The Riptide controversy

According to feminists, video games are a microcosm of a patriarchal, male dominant, misogynistic women objectifying culture that can be seen in every trope, character and plot of almost every video game made. Mateusz Wacek calls bullshit and offers a plan to respond.

Feminist calls foul for level playing field

Women’s MMA Champion fighter Fallon Fox is well, not a woman, at least by feminist standards. This video is one response of many to the growing controversy surrounding Fox and all the women she is beating the crap out of in MMA rings. This is going to be one interesting fight before its over.

Time to turn the Fawcett off?

Mike Buchanan of the political party Justice for Men and Boys (and the women who love them) has started an investigation into the political activities of a government supported charity, which is just a wee bit illegal in Great Britain. The Fawcett Society may have a little bit of explaining to do. Or a whole lot.

Designer vaginas

Clementine Ford wants to talk about the horrible practice of men forcing women to such depraved levels of vanity that they are seeking state sponsored genital mutilation. She even gives her readers edicts on how they will discuss the problem. For now, she is cutting the penis talk off.