Do men really have all the power? Paul Elam on the men’s movement
Paul is interviewed by Libertarian Tom Woods.
Paul is interviewed by Libertarian Tom Woods.
By coining the term ‘chivalry feminism,’ Ernest B. Bax highlighted feminism’s root power and the reason for its longevity.
According to college professor C. Ervana the Women’s March on Washington demonstrates one thing: feminism is cancer to the Western World.
TyponBlue and DoctorRandomerCam talk about the newly released Audi commercial
“Riverdale”, one of the first new TV shows of the Trump era, has debuted. As his childhood is dissected, August Løvenskiolds revels in his review.
Tim Patten calls out the destructive ideologues working in our education systems
Published in 2015, Angry Wimmin: a BBC documentary on Radical Feminism is an eye opening insight into the radical roots of modern feminism
While far from utopia, Nikita Coulombe argues that traditional families are demonstrably better for women and children, and in some ways better for men, than feminist-inspired models of family.
Kalidasa Devadatta tells a story of being raised in a female dominated environment, and later coming to study, then reject the feminist narratives he had become so familiar with.
Author, art professor, feminist, and cultural critic Camille Paglia offers a scathing critique of feminism, praises male creativity, and laments Generation Snowflake.