Men Defending Themselves Is Harassment, Says Law Professor
Not only is men’s pain denied and invisible, but some feminists are arguing that falsely accused men shouldn’t be allowed to fight back. Pierce Harlan calls out the real injustice.
Not only is men’s pain denied and invisible, but some feminists are arguing that falsely accused men shouldn’t be allowed to fight back. Pierce Harlan calls out the real injustice.
When imagining a typical domestic violence perpetrator, many bring to mind the face of a man contorted with rage… but what if the face of the abuser does not belong to a male? John Ribner describes the face of the female abuser.
As an emerging focus of social awareness, transsexualism raises many interesting questions. Jesse Folsom asks us to consider a gynocentric possibility which could explain why we find a larger ratio of male to female transitions.
For reporting gross waste of government funds, Leon Walker has faced years of ongoing persecution at the hands of Oakland County Government, his former employer. As a result, his career has been ruined, he’s been financially destroyed, and in only a matter of days, he and his family will be evicted from their home. Leon shares his story about the consequences of speaking out.
Mike Buchanan’s was recently invited for his second appearance on London Live TV – ‘everyday sexism.’ Despite the awkward profeminist platform, we think Mike put in a good showing.
Living in an environment dominated by social-justice warriors and concomitant ‘victim identities’ it’s easy to forget the virtues of taking personal responsibility for the cards life has dealt us. Catreece McCleod calls for the death of the Oppression Olympics and the reclamation of personal responsibility.
As evidence of an increasingly desperate and intolerant feminist-sphere, a woman recently boasted of incinerating Christina Hoff-Sommers book The War Against Boys. Her actions poignantly demonstrate that there is, in fact, a war against boys.
An anonymous source gives Robert O’Hara a copy of a controversial Title IX complaint. The lack of evidence and failed logic shock more than the accusations themselves. All of this in the middle of the biggest government fed rape hysteria ever staged in the media. The phrase: “war on women” will never mean the same after reading this.
Rape Culture™ is a concept of legendary proportions, one that has helped to spread misinformation and hysteria throughout the globe. Isaac T. Quill unravels the roots of the concept and proposes that its true meaning may be worth embracing.
Australian website Online Opinion recently published a piece by Caitlin Roper, a victim blogger and coordinator of feminist group Collective Shout. As one might expect from an author with that resume, Roper’s article reherses the usual anti-male canards.