What is Violence Against Men Day?
Angry Harry calls on the troops to participate every month in Stop Violence Against Men Day. Tweet! Tweet! #endfeminism
Angry Harry calls on the troops to participate every month in Stop Violence Against Men Day. Tweet! Tweet! #endfeminism
AVfM Contributing Editor Karen Straughan recently received an email that anyone new to the Men’s movement should read.
If you haven’t been following the misandrist Social Justice Warrior and Feminist hijinx of Anita Sarkeesian, Zoe Quinn, and other incestuous, dishonest, bigoted sleazeballs, we hope to be publishing a roundup on it in the next few days. In the meantime, Sargon of Akkad and Mundane Matt have been vlogging about it in great detail.
“People Against Rape Culture” (PARC) is only interested in ending violence that can be blamed on men. Jack Barnes has a problem with that.
Worth a look and a sub.
Sociology and women’s studies professor Mary Ann Layden makes some wildly unsubstantiated claims about women viewing porn, warning that the more pornography women witness, the more likely they are to be victims of rape. Dr. David Ley responds.
We will over the next few weeks present full transcripts of all the presentations at the International Conference on Men’s Issues 2014. Here we bring you Terrence Popp of Second Class Citizen.org‘s speech.
Shieldwife has returned!
Mike Buchanan of the Justice 4 Men and Boys (& the Women Who Love Them) party has a challenge for a noted UK feminist. So far no answer. Why are we not surprised?
Western governments are more and more intrusive on private decisions, and modern feminists strongly influence their actions and propaganda from their positions in academia, government, and non-profits. Restricting government’s powers to interfere in private decisions and control media would give privacy more room, and men would benefit.