Oppressed by Barbie: Damaged by a plastic homunculus
Commentary in song!
Commentary in song!
Reviewing a book on masculinity and disability
Paul Elam suggests a plate of of beans and cornbread that could also solve the world’s energy problems.
Southwestern Chef Bobby Flay is about to get ruined in divorce court by his actress ex-wife. MGTOW August Løvenskiolds tastes a recipe for disaster.
Men’s rights legend Karen Straughan issues an open letter challenge to Canadian journalist Mike Donachie. Will he be brave enough to accept?
Women on currency? Women have always been represented on American currency, but let’s consider the merits of the women being put forth as candidates for the new twenty dollar bill. Prepare to be underwhelmed.
A poem by Shawnda Kettles
As the fraught Calgary Comics Expo winds down, the fallout is spreading. Lindsey Ratha explains her shock and outrage over what is now called Expogate.
The Honey Badger Brigade was treated shabbily at the Calgary Comic Expo. August Løvenskiolds has exclusive details of the disaster.
Here is Mundane matt’s Part 2 commentary on the controversy surrounding removal of gamers from Calgary Expo for offending feminists.