Fly posting 101: a UK perspective
AVfM welcomes new contributor Aimee McGee, an MRA living in England who wants to help sort out the legal ramifications of activism across the UK. Welcome Aimee!
AVfM welcomes new contributor Aimee McGee, an MRA living in England who wants to help sort out the legal ramifications of activism across the UK. Welcome Aimee!
From the land of the Magna Carta and Haydrian’s Wall, a new way of thinking is finding it’s way into the social infrastructure. What you see here is the beginning. The end is completely up to you. Pass it on, brothers and sisters. And keep passing it on.
Gordon Smith’s legal nightmare is over. Tiffany Marie Smith, his false accuser, has been arrested and is behind bars at this hour. It would appear that this time, unlike others, that justice is being done for a man wrongly accused.
Our very own Danny Boy has been spreading the word across the sprawling industrial city of Hamilton, Ontario. Watch out, Aussie MRAs, the troops in Canada want to catch up to your revered standing in the world of activism on the ground!
This week Dr F interviews Dan Moore, relating on his recent difficulties, and on what the sadistic glee the opponents of male human rights took over his prospective demise can teach us about that most humanist, ethical and humane of all philosophies: feminism.
It is pretty clear what men in the MRM would like to see change in their lives. A lot of it boiling down to a moratorium on misandry. But what is it that women have to gain? For Paul Elam and JtO the answer is simple. Pretty much everything.
Poster runs are emerging as an increasingly effective tool for spreading the message of the MRM. They are drawing attention from media outlets and causing panic in ignorant ideologues across Canada as we speak. More posters, anyone?
Tonight we have JTO along with your hosts James and Robert to talk about the inner workings of AVFM. Do call in and take this opportunity to chat with John, James and Robert about the kind of activism done here and MRM activism in general.
The MSM is chasing after the MRM and this website again. It is getting to be a routine these says. We tell the truth, they freak out and tell more lies. Then we tell the truth again. It leaves one to ask just exactly what we should be doing to end this cycle. Just fuck their shit up. They will get off the ride eventually.
This week we have none other than Manwomanmyth! Please call in and take the opportunity to talk to the man himself and, at the very least, tell him how much you appreciate his most important work.