Feminist Terminology 5: Microaggression – TFF Episode 27
The theory of microaggression and the misandric claims that masculinity is toxic
The theory of microaggression and the misandric claims that masculinity is toxic
An excellent breakdown between ideology and activism. A must watch from a fresh perspective
Is online harassment and female thing? Chris Ray Gun spells out the facts
When will we move forward? TL;DR addresses intellectual rigor vs. pwnage in manosphere activism and debate
UMass, the Triggering. Milo Yiannopoulos, Steven Crowder and Christina Hoff Sommers take on crazy. OH Ya! This is a live one
Jack Barns responds to Sargon of Akkad on his petition to ban SJW studies from Universities
Part 4 of Janice Fiamengo’s series “Feminist Terminology.”
Is this what it comes to? Thought provoking
White knights to the rescue. What is your take?