Jennifer McCreight says Richard Dawkins destroyed the atheist community
For those of you not following the ongoing Feminist-Atheist wars, you probably don’t get this, but if you do, this is *really* funny.
For those of you not following the ongoing Feminist-Atheist wars, you probably don’t get this, but if you do, this is *really* funny.
Babies. They’re wormy, gooey, intimidating, frightening, but true macho men know exactly how to handle these dangerous pests. Gavin McInnes gives lessons every man should know!
The Independent Women’s Forum, a hotbed of brainwashed women, actually thinks women’s choices affect how much they earn!
A moving and impressive video from the folks at Mankind Initiative.
Our friends at the Canadian Association For Equality (CAFE) have a sit-down interview with AVfM contributing editor Karen Straughan.
We have a new feminist in town. The bubbly Mariam is out to correct misconceptions about feminism by making us associate the dogma with rainbows, cookies and flowers (no, seriously). Zen rapes Mariam’s arguments, because that’s what patriarchs do. Zen has also subscribed to Mariam to get new material when he gets writer’s block.
Feminist, feminist, do a little rap. Make believe in rape cultcha, wearin stupid cap. Lookin for believahs, lookin for some saps. Need A Voice for Men to put her on the map! So check it out on U Tube. You know it’s really dumb. Tell her what your thinkin, and tell her with the thumb!
A blogger at “Everyday Feminism” says our society hates vaginas. SparkyFister has some problem with this argument. Subscribe to Sparky for more patriarchal logic and oppression.
Flashmob coolness. Does it have anything to do with men’s rights? Not really. Just stop and look how beautiful the world can be sometimes.
The fine folks at Intaction recently held a protest against a doctor who supports circumcising children before they’re old enough to give consent: