Eating While MGTOW: Caldera beans and jalapeno cheese cornbread
Paul Elam suggests a plate of of beans and cornbread that could also solve the world’s energy problems.
Paul Elam suggests a plate of of beans and cornbread that could also solve the world’s energy problems.
Tammy Bruce has a new brand of feminism that we are all supposed to sign on to. It’s about shaming men sexually, controlling them and discussing women’s rights without even mentioning men’s rights. Uh, wait a minute. This is strangely familiar, isn’t it?
We have all gotten used to women getting a pass on murder by using the battered wife defense. Well, sometimes the hand that feeds you will also reach out and smack you across the face.
Paul Elam excavates the ruins of modern masculinity.
Originally published 13 April 2011. Ladies and Gentlemen, start your laptops. And in case you don’t know, primary (or predominant) aggressor laws are laws designed to give police the edict to arrest men in domestic violence disputes. They use guidelines that target males, not evidence of who did or didn’t commit a crime. If your …
Classic Elam: Primary Aggressor Listings by State Read More »
Paul Elam brings our attention to ‘patient zero’ in the epidemic of simping
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a feminist organization, recently designated XY Crew a hate group. XY Crew is the online men’s outreach and support group I facilitate along with Janice Fiamengo and others. The SPLC’s declaration is actually just the latest iteration in their long-running and frankly bizarre declarations about my work. Since the …
Paul Elam responds to the Southern Poverty Law Center Read More »