Canada’s New Travel Attraction for Women: Murder Tourism

The arrests in Indonesia of 28 male prostitutes – accused by the authorities of selling sex to female tourists illustrates a surging global phenomenon – that of sex tourism catering to western women. This brand of sex tourism has been observed in many countries including Jamaica, Jordan, Senegal, Ukraine and elsewhere.

Canada however may be opening a new market for affluent western women to travel and indulge themselves, taking advantage of the country’s progressive, female friendly legal system.

A landmark legal case, reported today in the National Post sets the stage for the new thrill for women bored with sun and inexpensive sex, and other tropical attractions. Murder tourism is Canada’s newest way of welcoming traveling women, with anger towards men and a daring streak.

New Brunswick resident Crystal Dawn Mckenzie walked free on Monday after her acquittal for the knife-killing of her common law husband, whose name doesn’t matter, because he’s male, and dead.

McKenzie’s Lawyer, David Kelly pointed out that “Of course she had other options,” but that she was drunk at the time, and also female, so a violent history between the acquitted killer and her murdered husband was used to excuse making a choice to stab the man to death.

Robert Moore, Canada’s minister of state for small business and tourism did not make the public statement that murder tourism proposes an exciting new travel opportunity for women only, since men committing murder within Canada are still subject to the now obsolete patriarchal judicial system, and are likely to go to jail for killing people.

Rosa Ambrose, Canada’s Minister for the Status of women also did not say that now that 40 years of feminist policies have ensured that 60% of master’s degrees are awarded to women, affording them women as a class near term economic supremacy, while men still comprise 90% of workplace deaths.

Canada is ready to set a new standard allowing man-slaughter as a travel incentive to wealthy women from all over the world.

And now the weather. It’s cold and dark out, and getting darker.

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