James Cook University’s shame

Earlier this year distressed by the impunity with which Professor Betty McLellan was able to publically vilify all men, I examined in depth the James Cook University Code of Conduct and felt McLellans writings and public activities were clearly in breech of that code.

You can check out my youtube take on McLellan here

I submitted a formal complaint to the Vice Chancellor of the university detailing my concerns, and offering to contribute to any investigation or provide further information. Receipt of my complaint was acknowledged but nothing more was heard for several months, so I wrote again enquiring as to the progress of the investigation. Within a couple of days I received notification that the university did not believe there had been any breach of its code and that no action would be taken against McLellan.
(You can view the documents here if you wish.)


Flabbergasted with this response given the clear evidence of sexist bigotry before them I felt I had no other recourse but to resign my teaching position with the University and sever formal ties with them. This was a difficult decision as contact with and teaching undergraduates was a much cherished and fulfilling activity. Lest anyone assume that I have made myself destitute by this move, I certainly have not, my university teaching role was very limited and part time, my main commitments have always been to my private practice and postgraduate education via my professional college. Such a decision would have been orders of magnitude more difficult if I relied on a university job for my livelihood, and no doubt this figures in many academics tolerating or not making a fuss about radical feminist bigotry.

Resigning however would have little impact if not used to make public the issues prompting my resignation. The support I have received from those both known and unknown to me in the local community has been overwhelming. A sample of which have been published in todays Townsville Bulletin.


Most importantly I have had several phone calls from men who were previous students at JCU with first hand experience of the anti male bias in the Department of Social Work and Community Welfare. I hope to meet with them soon to discuss their experiences and perhaps look at a coordinated plan to seek redress on their behalf, and demand that such “extreme” feminists (The article misquoted me, I used the term extremist) be called to account.

The news item has spread outside my local area and whilst most posts don’t invite comments this one does.


Thanks to all for your support it is truly appreciated.

Greg Canning

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