F.E.M.M. Feminists Emasculating Men and Masculinity

F.E.M.M., according to their website, is a University of Toronto group with the defining acronym “feminists engagement with men and masculinities.’
I call bullshit.
I call Bullshit, in stop sign red, do not pass go, do not collect $200.00, ten foot tall letters.
An acronym more suited to this organization is;
Feminists Emasculating Men and Masculinity
F.E.M.M. is Full of Fetid Feminist Fecal Philosophy, which in layman’s-doesn’t-know-or-care-about-intersectionality-or-other-bullshit-terms translates to extremely unhealthy for men and boys.
We already met F.E.M.M. once before, at the lecture by Dr. Janice Fiamengo at the University of Toronto. We’ve heard them try, and then finally admit they don’t know about the rates of male abuse in Canada. Hell, I’m a men’s human rights activist and I know the rate for both sexes for the last general social survey. Their response was pitiful to say the least. It was  like watching a herd of deer in the headlights.
They froze. In fact, the male representative I questioned really had no answer at all. He wasn’t even aware of any statistics on the matter. At least a female member agreed domestically abused men should be helped.
I will say they were polite, a little ignorant, well, extremely ignorant, but cordial enough.
You may want to stop drinking liquids for this one, I take no responsibility for any or all damage to your computer or phone due to uncontrollable outbursts of ‘WTF’ and ‘ You gotta be shitting me’ Those were my two most common reactions I felt when reading up on these ‘champions’ of men.
A Voice for Men S.O.P. on this one; pack your shovel, hip-waders, haz-mat suit, and be prepared to drop some I.Q. points with an examination of F.E.M.M..
To begin with lets have a intelligence plummeting look at their executive team. Merciful heavens forgive me for what I am about to show you,but please don’t say you weren’t warned. This shit can’t be un-seen.
First up on our smorgasbord of gender studies soup head sandwiches  is Spencer Sawyer, who has the title of Executive Coordinator.
His bio;

“Spencer is a 4th year Women and Gender Studies and Sexual Diversity Studies double major studying at University of Toronto St. George. He is focusing his academic research on feminist critical masculinity theory with hopes of developing meaningful strategies to engage men  with concepts of gender and identity.
He will be taking a fifth year in his undergrad, and hopes to attend the Social Work program here at Uof T upon graduating. His interests include mindless television consumption, calling out bigots on online games, and napping with his boyfriends cat.”

I know, I could have issued a trigger warning for uselessness, but you would have kept reading anyway.
If I’ve surprised any readers with the fact that Spencer is a Women’s and Gender Studies / Sexual Diversity Studies double major I must have sent this article to the wrong website, and it has ended up on my other favorite site.
(Damn you cuteandtastykittens.com, you know we MHRA’s can’t eat just one)
Anyway, with a focus ‘critical masculinity theory’ you just know the answers Spencer will be able to provide for men and boys will be long winded but lacking substance. Think along the lines of a politician’s promises, only less honest. I will say his claim about calling out bigots in online gaming communities is interesting. I wonder if he’s ever called out Anita Sarkesian.
Feminist critical masculinity has been so positive for men, Spencer.
At least those who work in the mortuary. Those guys are busy, what with Canadian men committing suicide at three times the rate of women,  and comprising 71% of all homicides. I only mention this out of courtesy because we have already established, as we did with domestic violence, that Women’s Gender Masculinities Sexual Diversity Intersectionality students apparently don’t come by a lot of that information.
Next up for team feminists fancystudies is:
Justin Gordon-Deacon, Communications Coordinator

Justin (M4M) is a 100th year student in Ethics, Society & Law and Sexual Diversity Studies. Justin first hopped on the intersectionality surfboard in 2008 and rode the Third Wave all the way to the present. After finishing his undergrad, Justin hopes to become a high school teacher and push his queer feminist agenda on our nation’s youth. In his spare time, Justin enjoys watching TV on the internet, joking about dying alone and leaving everything to his cats, and boring his family with his political views.

Forgive me for pointing out the obvious here but some how I am left with the feeling that Justin hasn’t a clue what ethics are, but I do believe he bores his family. I could be wrong but that part where he lets us know his plan after finishing his undergrad, I believe that to be unethical. And kinda weird, too. How many college students actually plan to politicize the sexuality of children after they are out of school? How many schools want those kinds of teachers?
I think Justin’s master plan is worth a few screen shots.
But just a suggestion, Justin, should there be any grey matter remaining in your cranium that can still process a reasonable thought. Do Canada’s youth a favour. Stick to watching T.V., boring your parents and your cats. Let our youth decide who they want to be for themselves.
Whew, boy.
Now we move onto Emily Milton the Artistic Resources Coordinator.
Any gamblers out there want to place a bet what she is studying?

Emily is a fourth year WGS and SDS major, and has had a complicated (haha) love for feminism since she was 13 or 14. She hopes to pursue a career in social work and continue to apply all the beautiful ideas about gender, femininity, masculinity, sex-positivity, trans identity, and anti-racism she’s taken from her undergraduate degree and use them in tangible ways for the rest of her life.

I know all of you were amazed at the fact that Emily is as well a Women’s/Gender Studies and Sexual Diversity Studies student.
I believe Emily’s bio warrants an open question.
So tell me Emily what is it that feminism says about masculinity that is beautiful? I would love an answer. And so would the rest of the world.
Don’t be shy Emily, enlighten us with how feminism has given men their solipsistic seal of approval.
Wait (as if you weren’t), let me answer that for you.
[unordered_list style=”star”]

  • Men are beautiful when they hold up little cards that say “I need feminism because…” and then fill in the blank with whatever you suggest;
  • Men are beautiful when they go to slutwalks but don’t look at your tits unless they’re hot;
  • Men are beautiful when they tell you how equal you are but still pay for your shit;
  • Men are beautiful if they are standing there blocking doors to keep other men from attended a lecture you don’t like.

Isn’t that what feminism, and you finds beautiful about males and masculinity?
Lastly we have Jen Roberton the Alternative Programming Coordinator

“Jen Roberton is a fourth year undergraduate student studying Sexual Diversity Studies and Comparative Literature at the University of Toronto. Her capstone undergraduate thesis is about the intersections of queer homeless youth and labour issues. When she is not busy with school or working as a bike mechanic, Jen enjoys smashing the system, cheap beer and cats.”

First, sorry, but I have to do this.

What is with all the fucking cats?!

Thank you, better now.
At first glance it appears that Jen and Spencer could be in the same class together.
On closer inspection, they ALL are!
That class they are in together is the class of society that continually and willfully assumes that feminism and feminists know about men and boys.
How do I know ALL of F.E.M.M.’s executive are actively studying in that class?
F.E.M.M.’s  great feminist educated minds apparently got together and drew up a mission statement, I’m only going to subject you to two sections of it. Its all that is required to prove the point.

1.0 To approach masculinity while working through a feminist framework, with the objectives of:

c. Refusing to legitimize concepts involving “masculinism”, women’s “misandry”, etc. but instead critically unpack them to understand the pressures of masculinity as a social, historical, and political phenomena constructed by men, not a targeted
attempt from women or the feminist movement.

d. Providing a space for conversation with room to make mistakes while respecting the comfort and safety of the membership

There you have F.E.M.M. in a nutshell. Their refusal to recognize the natural, healthy state of masculinity and all the positive things that go along with it, as well as the refusal to recognize misandry is the same old feminist bullshit repackaged with a newer best before date stuck on it.
A parting thought about part ‘d.’ They’re going to need a lot of room for mistakes with their current feminist dogma, especially given that my first, cursory examination of them revealed they didn’t know much of anything about the lives of men. FEMM has already made Grand Canyon sized mistakes by failing to hold feminist theory, or themselves, up to critical thought and scrutiny.
But hey, there is always the cats. They just love cats.

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