Hi. I’ve been invited to do another Ask Me Anything on Reddit, and we’re starting in about an hour (11am Eastern US time, 4pm London time, running about 3 hours). These are the photos that the “redditors” need to prove it’s really me answering question. Dean Esmay will be helping me with the typing. I hope to see you all there–and that you feel free to ask me anything!
We will be dedicating the session to dear Earl Silverman, and while I still care as much as I ever did about abused women I hope men especially come forward with stories and questions, for men have been ignored and forgotten in this conversation (when they aren’t portrayed as thugs) for far to long. We will also be announcing a new radio show I’ll be doing for AVfM there.
This is the link to where the Ask Me Anything session will be: http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/. The thread itself has not opened yet but there will be an update here when it’s created and availaable.
You will need a Reddit account to ask questions but it’s free to set up and I hope if you’re not already on it you’ll sign up and come and say hello!
Once again, here’s the link! http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/ and we’ll have a more direct link shortly.
*Update*: The entire conversation is here: Hi I’m Erin Pizzey, founder of the first Women’s Refuge in the UK. Ask me anything! As usual there was far too much to respond to but we did all we could and we invite everybody to come to our first radio show two weeks from today.