Misandric Fixation in 19th Century Europe


Robert St. Estephe–Gonzo Historian–is dedicated to uncovering the forgotten past of marginalizing men. “Gonzo journalism” is characterized as tending “to favor style over fact to achieve accuracy.” Yet history – especially “social history” – is written by ideologues who distort and bury facts in order to achieve an agenda. “Gonzo” writing is seen as unorthodox and surprising. Yet, in the 21st century subjectivity, distortion and outright lying in non-fiction writing is the norm. Fraud is the new orthodoxy. Consequently, integrity is the new “transgressive.”

Welcome to the disruptive world of facts, the world of Gonzo History.


Readers of A Voice for Men are familiar with some of the more notable and articulate present-day adherents to gender ideology of the SCUM Manifesto variety such as Josefin von Zeipel Segerberg and Pamela O’Shaughnessy (“Vliet Tiptree,” pseudonym). Many people erroneously suppose, however, that the eugenics-inspired, genocidal ideation-styled, violent authoritarian types of feminist utopian philosophy find their source exclusively in ideology. The fact is that the mentality called misandric fixation (see “What is Misandric Fixation?”) need not arise through the influence of ideology or deliberate intellectual cogitation of any sort. Further it can be observed that ideological misandry has existed long before the explosion of radical feminism in the 1960s.

The following article published in 1901 documents famous European misandrists of the late 19th century: Marie Irrgang of Austria, Gretchen Marie Schultz of Germany, and Marie Lenoir. Fraulein Marie Irrgang, who claimed to be the premier man-hater of her country, was a member of a formal misandrist organization, society called the Jungfrauen Verein [Virgin’s Association.



FULL TEXT: News comes from Vienna of the death of Fraulein Marie Irrgang, who claimed to be the “champion man hater” of the world. The fraulein was should be allowed to take part in her funeral procession. An early disappointment in love is believed to have been the cause of Marie’s hatred of the “mere man.” She was a member of a society called the Jungfrauen Verein [Virgin’s Association], an association of old girls and young girls who had been converted to the antiman views of Fraulein Irrgang. Though the fraulein decreed that no man should take part in her funeral she could not prevent men and the streets the procession passed with the male animals she so much detested, gazing curiously at the unique sight. The procession was composed of an immense throng of women of all ages and all social conditions and of deputies from every woman’s society in Austria. But Marie’s directions were not carried out to the letter after all, for the banner of the Jungfrauen Verein was so heavy that no woman could be found who was strong enough to carry it. So it was born aloft by one of the hated sex, who marched along, the only man in the procession.

Fraulein Irrgang had a rival in Fraulein Gretchen Marie Schultz, an old maiden lady of Berlin who was known throughout Germany as “the man hater.” Having had an unfortunate love affair fifty years ago she vowed that she never would speak to or, if possible, look upon a man again as long as she lived, and, being a woman of wealth, she was able to keep her vow until her death not long ago. She bought a retired house about a dozen miles from Berlin and equipped it from basement to garret with furnishings made by the hands of women. She surrounded herself with a band of women, each of whom took a similar vow of perpetual hatred of the opposite sex, and so skillfully were things managed that for fifty years the fraulein neither saw nor spoke to man or boy.

Another man hater, and one who carried her hatred beyond the tomb, was Marie Lenoir, who died in Paris a few months ago. By her will she left her whole estate, valued at $15,000, in trust to two women of her acquaintance holding similar views with her self regarding men, “to be used in waging warfare in such ways as may seem fitting to them against the selfishness and tyranny of man.”

[“They Hated Men. – Three Women Who Waged Lifelong War Against the Sterner Sex.” Syndicated, The Piqua Daily Call (Oh.), Nov. 26, 1901, p. 6]



The French writer who called herself Arria-Ly (1881-1934) had a similar philosophy to her earlier counterparts and wished to found a movement promoting universal virginity on the part of women for the purpose of eradicating the male sex. It remains unclear whether “virginity” referred to heterosexual intercourse exclusively.


EXCERPT: Still more extreme [in her anti-male views than Louise Deverly-Dupont] was Arria-Ly (Josephine Gondon, 1881-1934), who along with her mother campaigned for women’s suffrage in their home town of Toulouse. From her youth both parents had instilled in her a revulsion against the flesh and sexuality. Something of a latter-day Cathar, she aspired to found a new cult of “arrialsme” which would be a perfect expression of her hatred of the male sex, whose ultimate extinction she envisaged by the practice of universal virginity on the part of women – a cause which did not endear her to the villagers of the Ariège where she regularly repaired for health reasons. Her short-lived newspaper Le Combat féministe had just forty-four subscribers and, following the death of her mother, whom she called “sister,” in 1934 she took her own life.

[James F. McMillan, France and Women: 1789-1914, published by Taylor & Francis, 2000, p. 211]

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