Sparkyfister strikes again
And he uses a brick of logic to shatter Rebecca Watson’s windows. If you have not subbed to Sparkyfister, you are not a real kitten-eater. PE
And he uses a brick of logic to shatter Rebecca Watson’s windows. If you have not subbed to Sparkyfister, you are not a real kitten-eater. PE
A Harry Potter fan notes sexism in the Harry Potter saga. No, really.
James Williams of Men’s Matters Radio has a new video exploring the recent Mankind Conference 2013 in the UK, and discussions of domestic violence there.
YouTuber Painlessrisen has some observations about how black women in America tend to treat black men. Having witnessed much of what he’s seen firsthand, our only likely disagreement is that we’ve seen women of other ethnic groups treat their men pretty much the same way.
Get tired of shooting down tired cliche’d worn out and fallacious arguments? That’s OK. SparkyFister is the master and will do it for you.
One thing is for sure about this video. People will see an entirely different story depending on their worldview. We thought it was worth everyone getting a chance to decide.
“Feminism is about equality. It’s really just that simple,” a man scoffs while rolling his eyes. Victor Zen takes a break from raping and pillaging to show this man how brains work.
Our Honeybadger Brigade has a radio show, in case you hadn’t heard, and these days they have their very own YouTube channel where they upload previous episodes of their shows. Here’s one of their better episodes!
What we call Men Going Their Own Way or “Men On Strike” in the English-speaking world, Japan calls “the herbivores.”
Diana Davison and her friend The COCK Fairy return to tell us about a great historical example of a cunning stunt: Betty Friedan