Men checking privilege
The feminist chant for men to ‘check their privilege’ is one we are all familiar with. Ayami Tyndal notices an unspoken implication in that little phrase that might provide an “Aha” moment for readers.
The feminist chant for men to ‘check their privilege’ is one we are all familiar with. Ayami Tyndal notices an unspoken implication in that little phrase that might provide an “Aha” moment for readers.
Anyone following the ‘Women Against Feminism’ hashtag on Twitter will notice the angry replies of feminists claiming non-feminists are idiots, morons, retards and other epithets. Ron Collins stands guilty as charged: he does not understand feminism.
In this classic video we bring you Nurdy Dancing, who explains that the prejudice, bigotry and shaming toward blacks is today being played out toward males. We think you will find the parallels disturbing.
Ever wondered why some women make irrational excuses for selfish behavior? Well wonder no more – long time AVfM member Sir Kimski explains that the phenomenon is caused by the rationalization hamster, more accurately referred to by scientists as the ‘Matria Toxicanus.’
After a lifetime of training in gynocentric etiquette, Jonathan Bornstein explains why he is coming out of the closet as a visible mens’ rights activist.
MHRA, MGTOW, Game Theory and yes, PUA, share one universal goal ; That each boy/man can feel free to chart a course for his own life free from social conventions and laws that pre-emptively shame, marginalize and punish him. Ty Henry argues that “let’s you and him fight” is the strategy of those who seek to crush men under misandrist ideology.
One of the most controversial topics we cover at this website is men’s reproductive rights. It is also one of the topics we publish about least frequently. Gordon Wadsworth wanted to add his opinion on the subject into the library of literature here. He adds a bombshell.
The EU says that one in twenty women over the age of 15 have been raped in the European Union. But is it really true? Lucian Vâlsan takes a closer look at the data.
For those of you who didn’t get to see it, we bring you Karen Straughan’s talk, in which she refutes the ‘once upon a time’ claim that feminism started as a movement for equality. She explains that it has been always been about misandry, gynocentrism, and blaming men for all the evils of the world.
Men’s Rights activists seek to bring awareness to how men are acted upon by society, acted upon by other men and acted upon by women. They are opposed by feminists who think that bringing attention to how men are acted upon will take something away from women. Alison Tieman explains the dynamics in this video with the help of a few magnets.