The Princess and the Plow Horse
If there was ever a better allegory for understanding Men Going Their Own Way, and men’s refusal to “man up” and provide, we don’t think a better one’s been done than this.
If there was ever a better allegory for understanding Men Going Their Own Way, and men’s refusal to “man up” and provide, we don’t think a better one’s been done than this.
Man up, and other male targeting slogans remain pervasive throughout our culture and indeed appar to be spreading. Neil Westlake notes this, and correctly observes that it constitutes an anti male, violent and stifling climate pretending to humanism, while calculated to perpetuate harm.
Men only care about sex, and women are cows right? That apparently is the deep reasoning of conservative defenders of marriage. Mark Trueblood says WTF?
Catreece Macleod, as a writer, considers The Bechdel Test, and why the exercise is currently pointless, and what it would take to really make it relevant.
Are men shunning marriage because of the economy, or do they have alternatives to marriage, like porn and easy sex? Dr. Helen Smith explores the question.
Black men, brown men, men of all races: many the social forces we see now appear to many to have started in the 1970s in black and other minority communities, and Mr. Dawson explores the ramifications of that which he’s seen in that time.
Accusations of male impotence were epidemic in the 16th century as women rejected and humiliated men they claimed were unable to measure up.
AVfM writer Nat Godot explains, when we speak of ‘value’ in the context of human behaviour it is not money that is the currency, it is sentiment