France upholds the ban on paternity tests

Don’t worry! There’s no mistake in the title. It is true – French men are forbidden by law to attempt to find out whether the child they are paying for is in fact their child or not. In fact, it has been illegal for men to attempt to find out if their child is theirs for many years. But a few days ago, the ban was challenged once again–and the government upheld the ban.

Is it really a surprise that a socialist government disagreed that men have human rights too?

What’s even more striking is that there is NO mainstream media mentioning this, albeit the law is on the books and available for everyone to read[1].

In theory, paternity tests are still legal, but only under a court order, with the explicit consent of the mother and under a strict supervision by the State. Annually, the French courts issue roughly 1500 orders for paternity tests. 1500 – that’s it! And the number is going down as the courts become more and more reluctant to issue such orders.

To put the 1500 number into perspective, the International Biosciences’ website report regarding this situation reads as follows[2]:

Some statistics from the Nantes Atlantique Genetic Institute reveal that every year in the region of 15,000 French fathers go online and buy paternity testing kits. Furthermore, a Swiss lab recently said that 60% of the tests it performs are sent there from France. Meanwhile, a Spanish lab confirmed similar figures, saying that French men make up 80% of its customer-base.

So, 10 times more men than those allowed legally chose to break the law. Moreover, Swiss and Spanish laboratories make good money mainly from French customers who aren’t allowed to know whether the child for whose upbringing they pay for is theirs or not.

But what happens if you break the law? The website of one of the very few laboratories that actually make paternity tests (under a dubious legal regime) writes, citing the French legislation as follows[3]:

One should understand the risks involved before making a paternity ensuring beforehand that the delivery address is not subjected to the French law. If you order a paternity test via the Internet or by telephone in France, not only the shipment may be confiscated by the customs but you risk a year in prison and a fine of € 15,000 (Article 226-28 of the Penal Code ). The Supreme Court, the civil matters section, has sole jurisdiction to hear actions concerning filiation.

So this is it: if you are, let’s say, a white French man and you don’t trust your white wife’s words that the semi-Asian child is indeed yours – then tough luck! If she doesn’t consent to a paternity test and the state says that you should “man up” and pay, then that’s it.

Moreover, if you still do want to find out that, you risk a 15,000 Euro fine (20,100 $US) and you might also end up spending one year in jail. And of course, you still have to pay child support, even though the child is not yours.

The French government keeps this ban in place arguing that not allowing men to find out whether their wives cuckolded them or not preserves the peace within French families. Moreover, some ideologically driven bigots psychologists go as far as to say monstrous things like this[2]:

French psychologists suggest that fatherhood is determined by society not by biology.

Really? By that logic, I could bring a few kids from the street into my home and when I divorce my wife I can hold her accountable for child support, right? Because motherhood is determined by society and not by biology. And if you say “it doesn’t work like that” then you are nothing less than a bigot.

Study after study has shown that the illegitimacy rate in Europe is somewhere around 1 in 30. This means that one child in every classroom has a different father than the one whom he or she thinks is the father and in most cases, the natural/biological father has no way to know. And even real biological fathers may always wonder.

Paternity fraud is one of the very few crimes that indeed has a sex. Violence doesn’t have a sex. Rape doesn’t have a sex. Heck, not even breast cancer has a sex. But paternity fraud is a crime of deceit that has a sex – and it’s the female sex. It’s an offense committed solely by women against men and children. And it’s an offense that is not only legal almost everywhere, but actively encouraged by the French state by putting men who seek the truth in jail and making them pay huge fines (15,000 euros is earned by the average Frenchman in 4 to 7 months).

And what’s worse is that nobody in the mainstream media even mentions anything about this. Just like they’re also silent about the Istanbul convention. Moreover, Germany is now planning to do the same thing – to ban men from finding out the truth.

To override this nonsense will take years. In Sweden, for instance, paternity tests were legalized only in 2003 after a 55 year (!) long battle between a man and the feminist judicial system in Sweden. He eventually won. Ragnar Johansson fought from 1948 to 2003 to prove that he is not the father of the girl for which he paid child support[4][5][6]. He did not get a dime back from the money he was forced to pay to his cuckolding wife. But at least Sweden (and Norway) changed their law after this.

A few years ago, an acquaintance of mine was talking about the Cold War. And, while trying to say something whilst thinking of something else, she commenced a sentence as follows: “And the Soviet France then decided to…” We all had a great laugh at that point but now, “the Soviet France” might indeed be an accurate description of what’s going on in terms of the economic and individual freedom of Frenchmen.



[3] (in French)




Note: This article is also available in Italian.

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