A Classic: Warren Farrell on the Oprah Winfrey show
Hummm zinger!
Chris Leyman-Nicholls presents his documentary about contemporary British MRAs
How do abusive women get away with it? Dr. T. explains.
There’s a reason the humor here can bite, the sarcasm can sting and the truth gets dropped like a brick. Danny Baines takes on some key issues.
The demands of the men’s human rights movement are ambitious: end women’s suffrage, keep women bare of foot and bun in oven, have women act like virgins in public and whores in the bedroom, and farting. Lots of farting. No, wait, that’s not it – that is what others say about us. The truth is, our request is for simple respect of our selves and our privacy. One NiceGuy spells it out in detail. And only a minimum of farts.
When we observe the relationship of the sexes in the past, we find woman solely of the ménage, a menial, subjective, subjected. The male holding the centre of the human drama. From this point to the next point -the present- can be traced the line following an upward trend, economically, intellectually, and politically, which forecasts …
The Trend Of The Sexes – The Men’s Review (1948 Article) Read More »
So what the hell does any of this have to do with you and me? Well, the thing is because you and I know about the Quattro livelli di conoscenza. We can go about our ways better as MRA’s.