"Last Minute Resistance" and date rape

The call of the Banshee is usually not something one wants to follow but can, on occasion, lead to an interesting discovery. Such is the case when Jezebel reported the successful removal of a “guide to date rape” from Amazon. Accidental systematic misandry showed its ugly face in this case when Amazon, while de-listing that particular book, still happily sells titles like Valerie Solanas’ SCUM Manifesto, which promotes the extermination of the male sex. (I really wonder what would happen to a guy who wanted to publish a “satirical” book on the extermination of the female sex.) 
While this article could address censorship, systemic misandry, or Jezebel as a harbinger of social collapse, I’ve chosen instead to discuss erroneous PUA thinking as exemplified by the ebook LMR Exposed by a PUA named Vincent Vinturi who promotes some, shall we say, rather risky techniques. (“LMR” stands for Last Minute Resistance.)
To be perfectly clear, dating is inherently ambiguous. The feminist fantasy of “enthusiastic consent” is bullshit. What you experience in real life is that interested women will give off “maybe” signals. They may play with their hair and smile from ear to ear while tempting you with seductive glances but, at the end of the date, the burden to approach is typically on you.
Where most PUAs go completely overboard is when they conflate interest that is not well-articulated with clearly articulated disinterest. Just have a look at the opening of the sales letter of LMR Exposed:

Are you sick of getting a hot girl back to your place, excited at the prospect of fucking her, only to come up against last minute resistance when you go to make your moves…?
Maybe you go to kiss her but she pulls away. Maybe you reach to undo her bra, but she pushes your hand away…

Here is the problem: there are girls who might be interested in you but who are not willing to sleep with you — yet. The smart choice then is to take it easy. Give her a bit more time, bro! In fact, if you end up in a situation where she pushes your hand away, you have clearly overstepped a line.
PUAs are not known to be a particularly sensitive bunch of people. There are articles floating around on “escalation ladders” where those supposed gurus tell guys exactly what kind of moves to make, and in which order, to “unlock” access to her pussy. This is, yet again, the popular video game analogy taken too far. You’re not dealing with some kind of machine or program that expects a particular series of inputs to give you your desired result.
Sexual arousal can dissipate. It’s all too easy to imagine some PUA who ended up with a girl in his bed who, through sheer incompetence, turns the girl off so that she indeed no longer wants to sleep with him. This doesn’t just happen to girls, though. The more sexually experienced guys reading this probably did experience the occasional hand job that was so piss-poor that it inflicted pain, killing your aspiring erection. Or maybe you’ve received a toothy blow job. Heck, there are girls out there who kiss so incredibly bad that you immediately lose all interest in them. Consequently, you’ve got reason enough to not continue any further even though those girls didn’t think they were actively sabotaging themselves. Instead, they considered themselves on the brink of a hot love-making session.
Let’s continue with this role-reversal. What would you think if such an incompetent girl used force to “overcome your LMR,” ripped on your foreskin as she’s whacking you, followed by an excruciating knob gobble then climbed on top of  you to lay a dead fish in your mouth as she’s kissing you? This would be an utterly horrible experience, wouldn’t it? Many feminists claim that only men can rape but, if this happened to you, you could legitimately say that you’ve been raped and violated in multiple ways, and that this experience has traumatized you.
So, now imagine some girl who finds herself in bed with a guy who turned out to be unable to turn her on at all. Everything he does seems forced, and while she might have been wet when she entered his apartment, she wasn’t quite so sure about her motivations any more by the time he rammed his tongue down her throat or pulled her hair a bit too hard. Instead of turning her on she found herself questioning his sanity.
Normal people are able to read facial expressions and can use that skill to keep things hot and heavy, correcting when they accidentally inflict pain. Under continued rejection it would be normal to assume that the girl has a good reason for not wanting to follow through and sleep with the guy. But not according to Vincent Vinturi:

A woman will intentionally strive to turn you off to see whether or not she can derail your sexual train of thought and action. If she succeeds, it signals the man may lack sexual potency… anytime you get pushback as things move in a sexual direction, the woman is testing you for raw desire (among other things).

The absurdity is striking! It seems as if the author never experienced mutual attraction and how it unfolds. Okay, let’s assume that there is a very small number of mentally deranged women that really only want to be taken by a man with ample “sexual potency,” and who doesn’t take “no” for an answer. But this only means that you dramatically increase your risks for rape charges. You think you’re going to “game” the judge and tell him that it’s all due to evolutionary psychology that she acted the way she did? I’d say that you’re better off steering clear of such women than taking the risk. The downside is just too great.
I’ll round this article off with a personal anecdote:
One fine, early morning I found myself in the apartment of a girl I had met only a couple of hours previouly, and we were going at it. All of a sudden she bit me hard and then, like a maniac, scratched me hard enough to draw blood. I thought this was quite hot, but it didn’t take long until she demanded that I hit her. Thankfully I was alert enough to get the hell out of there.
This was an issue of which I was particularly sensitive because I once had a girlfriend whose gynaecologist tried to get her to press charges against me when she had a few love bites on several parts on her body. All it takes is a weak-minded girl who agrees with her doctor that her boyfriend “is a brute and needs to be taught a lesson,” or a vindictive girl who is pissed off because you didn’t call her back.
But as we know, for most PUAs any kind of analytical thinking is reserved for “betas.”
Let’s be overly indulgent and assume for a moment that women do put up “Last Minute Resistance” to test your manliness. There are some pickup “gurus” who even go as far as to claim that “LMR” is an unavoidable part of seduction. It’s not. If anything, it is a sign that something went wrong, meaning that you should backtrack or back off. If you’ve stumbled upon the very small minority of women who indeed want to “test your manliness” you’re better off leaving them alone.
There is enough trouble in the world without adding psycho girlfriends to the list.

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