Warriors and the Great Reset

We’ve forgotten the warrior energy and at this time in the world, we need it again. According to the stated intentions of the global overlords, a full reset of the present order is planned and underway, a full global corporate and institutional takeover. Most people are as yet unaware of it. The situation we’re in can’t be faced and dealt with without the Warrior and the conscious woman. Yet both sexes have lost focus and direction due to the lie that was feminism.

It may well be that the derogation of the Warrior and traditional femininity in the days of feminism was part of a deliberate strategy to weaken men, women and the family. It has certainly had that effect.

The warrior is down but not out. My point is that individual men forget the Warrior at a tremendous cost to their clarity and effectiveness. Without him, society is essentially lost before the forces arrayed against us.

This is a time of spiritual battle, fought now with voices instead of swords!

It’s instructive to look back at the Warrior’s history in Britain where I and many of our forebears came from. Consider.


I’m reading The Making of England: 55 BC to 1399 by Warren Hollister It’s a complex story of conflict and resolution but it can start in 55BC when Julius Caesar visited Britain in what was essentially a scouting trip. A brutal wholesale Roman invasion took the island some hundred years later. The Roman soldiers were warriors of a kind, often indentured and forced into the army to serve their masters. Their conquest was brutal and complete. But it also established a rule and administrative system that established secure towns, widespread roads that endured for many centuries, and a long period of peace and civility that benefited from Rome’s administrative skills.

When the empire tottered and began to fall the Romans were no longer able to support their western colonies, including in Britain. As it faltered, Germanic warrior tribes, the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes invaded Britain in numbers as they did other parts of the empire. The invaders created uncertainty and destruction.

These warrior chieftains and kings struggled for a toehold in a new world. Though closer to the ground and guerilla-like, their military success was also connected to their administrative success – their ability to manage the tribe and create stable systems.

Hollister writes:

A tribe success depended heavily on the ability, reputation, and charisma of its leader, a chief or King. A successful King was one who led his warriors to victories that won them rich plunder, and who used his own war booty to reward his loyal followers. With lavish generosity, with gold rings and other precious jewelry, with finely wrought swords and shields, with gold and silver bowls and cups. …The most honored profession was that of the warrior, and the warlike virtues of loyalty, courage, and military prowess, were esteemed above all the others.

The chief military unit within the tribe was the warband or comitatus, a group of warriors or companions bound together by their allegiance to the leader of the band. It was in the comitatus, above all, that military virtues were cherished. The chief of the band was bound to set an example of fearlessness and military skill, and his followers were obliged, should their leader fall in battle to fight to the death in order to avenge him. The ethical foundations of the comitatus – honor, loyalty, courage – remained the norm of the English and continental warrior as aristocracy for centuries thereafter.” (p.22)

In the early medieval West, sophisticated bureaucratic government was unknown, and whatever the resources and physical environment of a kingdom, its success in the ruthless political competition of the era depended heavily on the military and administrative talents of its ruler . . . ”p.54

Although my example is early Britain, early history was infused with warrior energy. Modern ideas of good and bad don’t remove its centrality. This is how the modern world were created.

Warrior kingdoms predominated in Britain for hundreds of years. By the seventh century there were seven or eight major kingdoms with one or other recognized as in a pre-eminent position each year.

Then around 780 or 790 came a new wave of warrior adventurers, the Vikings. They came first as plunderers of the more sedentary Britons and then as conquering settlers. Again it was the fighting men at work. Vikings dominated the English kingdoms, except for Wessex, and took over a wide swath of Britain they called the Danelaw.

All of this was rich with stories of courage and honor, much of it to do with the achievements of warrior Christians fighting to bring a new and more mature ethos. Christianity meant that the Warrior served a higher Lord.

One amazing story is that of King Alfred, king of Wessex and the last remaining English king. He was able to secure a temporary truce and used it to put his defences in order. He undertook a profound reorganization of the West Saxon military forces, built ships that had advantages over the Viking boats, and created fortresses throughout his territory. When he was surrounded by a pincer movement from the Danes, he retreated to a swamp in Somerset for a winter with a small band. In the spring Alfred was able to summon the Wessex fyrd (old English for army) he’d worked to build, fought a decisive battle against the Danish force. Gradually, through fighting and diplomacy, Alfred established a balance with the Vikings. Alfred was a Christian and the conversion of Guthrum, the Viking leader to Christianity was important too. The Christian ethos was as central to the civilizing and maturation of early Britain as was the Warrior. The Warrior energy is wrapped up with the notion of service to the higher.

Alfred, now remembered as Alfred the Great, deserved the name. According to Hollister, he “was a man of singular intellect and imagination . . . a warrior, an administrator, a diplomat, a devotee of Christian learning, and a singularly persuasive leader.” He also re-introduced from Europe some of the literary and monastic works and traditions that had fled their from Britain to escape the Vikings.

We need men like that now. We need the Warrior. He’s still in us, still living, a part of our psychic heritage and resonating down the generations. The Warrior fights against predatory energies for the integrity of the tribe.

We’re increasingly being surrounded ourselves now. The global takeover plans of Mr. Global, the Davos crowd that includes the world’s most influential organizations and individuals are poised for a devastating “Great Reset” that intends to enslave us all. Full domination is their stated intention and not at all a conspiracy theory. Detailing this is beyond my scope here but this video shows it clearly.

The battles for turf between women and men ignore the common threat we’re facing: a global corporate takeover tied to permission-based digital identities.

Whether by intention or no, feminism delivered the warrior a serious blow from which men haven’t recovered and may not. Women haven’t recovered either. It may well be that whole feminist enterprise was part of Mr. Global’s long-term strategy. It has weakened women and men equally, though in different ways, and knocked the stuffing out of the family.

This isn’t a fight with swords. It’s a moral fight, a spiritual battle fought with the mature Warrior energy. Neither women nor men can fight that battle while squabbling over feminism. It’s a distraction while the digital prison is being built around us. Women and men are going to have to fight the deeper battle together and alone. Our integrity and voices are the swords of today.

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