Volleyball girls: let’s play assess the asses (NSFW)

Just recently, Buzzfeed ran an image post showcasing the backsides of every Super Bowl player, ranking their respective derrieres in the order of aesthetic appeal. Of course, the unexpected outrage of feminists remained unexpected because it didn’t happen, and the commenters at Buzzfeed, mostly female, cheered on like a coven of cougars at all that fine, young, athletic male ass.

Wondering if there might be some kind of double standard at play, I contacted feminist blob-blogger David Neutrelle and asked if he thought people would be offended if Buzzfeed ran a similar post featuring athletic women’s buttocks. His response was sharp.

Jesus, Elam, are you really saying you don’t see a difference between women sexualizing men and men sexualizing women? Holy shit, man, have you EVER jumped the shark now! How stupid can you be? They are entirely different things. One is right and one is wrong. Duh!”

I guess he left me the job of figuring out which is which. Seems like now is as good a time as any to find out which. With that, I am happy to present you with an assortment of asses, courtesy of women’s volleyball. Unlike Buzzfeed, I won’t publish their names. After all, why bother? Who needs names when the important shit is already there for you to see.


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