The Canadian Maltese Charitable Service Trust is hosting the first Domestic Violence Symposium in Toronto at The Metro Toronto Convention Centre, June 6 & 7, 2014. Tickets are now available here. This is an event you can not afford to miss. We will have the finest academics enlighten us on what DV is, how to effectively deal with Domestic Violence (DV) issues from the perspective of an abuser, a victim and how to effectively manage authorities if you are caught in a violent domestic scenario.

Our Keynote speakers are Professor Martin S. Fiebert and Erin Pizzey. Together they possess over 100 years of DV expertise bringing to our audience important facts about Domestic Violence and the effect it has on our families and our communities.
In addition to our Keynote speakers, we have a number of other fantastic presenters. Professor Miles Groth, Vernon Beck, Senator Anne Cools and Walter Fox are confirmed, while we await confirmation by a representative from Yellow Brick House, a prominent woman’s Shelter in Aurora, Ontario. We will also be presenting material provided by Dr. Paul S. Links, a leading expert on matters concerning the high suicide rate of males.
This conference is designed for professionals and families.
On Friday, the Toronto DV Symposium will focus on presenting to, Doctors, Nurses, Paramedics, Police Officers, Educators, Social Workers, Lawyers, Judges, LSUC (Law Society of Upper Canada), Members of Parliament, Members of Provincial Parliament, Children’s Aid Society Workers and those who provide support to DV victims.
On Saturday, the Toronto DV Symposium will cater to the family. Men, women, husbands, wives and children. Our presenters will bring light to what Domestic Violence (also known as Intimate Partner Violence or IPV) is, how it affects all of us and what we can do to alleviate and mitigate the damage DV can cause.
Domestic Violence is a family matter, that affects men, women and most significantly, our children. The myth that DV is caused by men against women is slowly being dissolved as a fallacious innuendo that only men are responsible for DV. Professor Fiebert will provide data that clearly shows men and women roughly equally initiate DV in intimate relationships.
Every one of our presenters will touch on a significant area of DV as it affects all of society.
- Professor Martin S. Fibert – Research Facts about DV
- Erin Pizzey – DV Shelter, effect of DV on men, women and children.
- Dr. Miles Groth – Effect of DV on students in the classroom.
- Vernon Beck – Reflecting on his hands on experience dealing with men, women and children subject to DV.
- Walter Fox – A legal perspective about DV.
- Senator Anne Cools – Concerns within Family and Criminal Court as it relates to DV.
- Representative from Yellow Brick House (awaiting confirmation)
For those seeking an education on the focus of this confernece, see the following link: “SUMMARY: This bibliography examines 286 scholarly investigations: 221 empirical studies and 65 reviews and/or analyses, which demonstrate that women are as physically aggressive, or more aggressive, than men in their relationships with their spouses or male partners. The aggregate sample size in the reviewed studies exceeds 371,600. “
We look forward to seeing you there. Please share this event everywhere. Purchase your tickets and be part of an auspicious event as we deal with matters concerning DV and its affect on families and our society.
Special thank you to A Voice For Men and Canada Court Watch for their support of this event.