is a pretty decent conservative website with some great commentary, even if it is at times a little lockstep with the two party paradigm that doesn’t actually exist. They even do some really cogent fisking of feminism and the social justice crowd.
So, you can imagine my dismay when they posted a piece by Milo Yiannopoulos that was quite possibly the most stupid and disturbing piece I have seen since the Agent Orange Files. When I say that I am not excluding the pap served up at places like Jezebel, Raw Story and Anita Sarkeesian’s YouTube channel.
The rationale he employs in his piece actually does fall in line with what I have seen from pro-mutilation feminists who think male genital mutilation is a good thing because they prefer the penis after it has been cut, though I must admit I have never seen a feminist be so brazen or, uh, detailed about it.
Milo informs us that he is gay, and then uses far too many words to paint a portrait of a gay man who likes “circumcision” because he thinks it will up the chances of getting a blow job. At least from him. As he says with flirtatious promise:
Perhaps as a gay man I’m biased, but aesthetics matter. And let me tell you – sorry if this veers into “TMI” territory – that I’m infinitely more likely to make you happy down there if you’re cut.”
OK, so gay men are not exempt from being stupid. Or shallow. Or disgusting for that matter. Too bad that was the unintended revelation in his article. Sadly, he follows the important matter, the penises he is more likely to suck, with the afterthought, “Then there’s the medical stuff.”
He plasters readers the disinformation we have seen for the last 150 years from religious fundamentalists who have long sought to justify the sexual mutilation of children by making the procedure a cure looking for a disease. He tells us that removing erotic tissue containing over 20,000 nerve endings and upwards of 75% of male sexual sensitivity, is really a good thing. To wit:
Getting circumcised reduces the risk of urinary tract infections, some sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV and penile cancer and cervical cancer in female sex partners. It prevents a whole galaxy of hideous illnesses that come from having a turtleneck: balanitis, balanoposthitis, phimosis and paraphimosis. (I won’t spell them all out, but they’re all horrible and, more to the point, avoidable.)”
Of course he never offers a single shred of proof. And of course he does not mention (or does not know) that teaching boys proper hygiene will just as much or more effectively prevent many of those problems. Nope, they have to be cut. Cause Milo likes a nice tidy penis. He even manages to draw a comparison of male sexual mutilation to botox injections, rinoplasty and other cosmetic sugical electives by women.
Yiannopoulos’ contentions about HIV and STDs being conveniently prevented by the cut have been dimissed by the medical ethics board where they were reviewed . That part pissed me off so much that I left a comment, which went into moderation. Somehow I can’t find it there after many more comments came in. Who knows, Disqus is a tad funny sometimes.

Yiannopoulos goes on to dismiss the claims of African men experiencing PTSD, claiming it must be malnutrition or some of the other bad stuff that happens in Africa. He also appears ignorant of the role male genital mutilation plays in alexithymia. Either because he does not know about it, or because Milo likes a nice….never mind.
A few personal notes for Mr. Yiannopoulos.
Penile cancer is a rare cancer. A woman has a one in eight chance of breast cancer. By your irrational standards, we should perform a double radical mastectomy on every female for their 13th birthday. We can even give them some implants and they will look just fine. After all, breasts aren’t special snowflakes are they? Think of all the diseases we could prevent and how much bigger boobs will increase their chances of men and women finding them attractive!
Milo, advocacy for severing off sexual tissue more dense with nerve endings than fingertips because you imagine it increases your chances for giving or receiving a blowjob is better addressed by joining Sex Addicts Anonymous. 12 Step Programs are free, reduce denial and are a much better alternative than slicing on infants because cut dicks give you your jollies.
Also, for the love of Brianna Wu get some goddam sources for your claims. “It makes me hard,” or “If you cut it I will suck it,” are not sources.
Finally, please leave this subject to people who actually study the science instead of studying their probabilities of getting more sex.