These are exciting times for people concerned by the relentless attacks on the human rights of men and boys around the world. Following the success of the first International Conference on Men’s Issues, hosted by A Voice for Men in Detroit in 2014, it’s time for another gathering.
The British political party Justice for Men and Boys (and the women who love them) – J4MB – is pleased to announce it will host the International Conference on Men’s Issues 2016, in London, 8-10 July. It will do so in association with A Voice for Men, the American website which is by a considerable distance the most-visited and most influential website in the world advocating for men’s human rights.
J4MB approached a long list of potential speakers, all well-known as advocates for men’s human rights. All agreed to our invitations, without hesitation. The conference will be a rare opportunity for you to listen to, and meet, many of the figures you may until now have only seen online. The speakers, and the provisional titles of their talks, are given below.
Keynote speaker
Erin Pizzey Domestic violence campaigner – ‘Intergenerational Family Violence v. The Big Lie.’
In 1971, Erin Pizzey founded the very first battered women’s shelter in the world, in Chiswick, London. She had no idea what would be coming her way for her troubles, including death threats, bomb threats, and multiple incidents of stalking. In her book Prone to Violence (1982) she showed how misguided we are in dealing with Intimate Partner Violence (IPV). She has been refuting lies about IPV for 40+ years, and runs
Other speakers, in surname alphabetical order
Paul Apreda — Families Need Fathers (Both Parents Matter) Cymru – ‘The State’s War on Fathers’
Paul Apreda is the National Manager of the charity FNF Both Parents Matter Cymru. The charity provides practical and emotional support to parents with child contact problems in Wales, and undertakes research on issues impacting on men.
Janet Bloomfield – ‘How Feminism Infantilizes Women’
Janet Bloomfield is a Canadian anti-feminist writer and blogger. She was one of the first female anti-feminist bloggers, using the pseudonym ‘JudgyBitch’. She was one of the original contributors to Women Against Feminism. She has explained why feminism is the major ideology standing in the way of legal equality between men and women.
Mike Buchanan Party leader, J4MB – ‘The Political War on Men and Boys’
Mike Buchanan is a British anti-feminist author and men’s rights advocate. His last book was Feminism: the ugly truth. He launched J4MB in 2013. It remains the only political party in the English-speaking world campaigning for the human rights of men and boys on many fronts. He also runs Campaign for Merit in Business.
Paul Elam Founder and publisher, A Voice for Men – ‘Gynocentrism: the Root of Feminism’
Paul Elam is an American, and the most well-known men’s human rights advocate in the world. A former mental health professional, he launched A Voice for Men (AVfM) in 2009. AVfM has long been the most-visited and most influential website in the world advocating for men’s human rights.
Dean Esmay, National Coalition for Men (NCFM) — ‘MGTOW and the new Renaissance’
Dean is a world-renowned activist and expert on intimate partner violence, child abuse, sexual abuse, public policy and MGTOW. He is a contributor to many publications, former Managing Editor of A Voice for Men, and is currently with The National Coalition for Men.
Janice Fiamengo Professor, Department of English, Ottawa University – ‘How Feminism is Destroying Higher Education’
Janice Fiamengo is a strident Canadian supporter of free speech, and an advocate for gender fairness. She is producing a series of anti-feminist videos called The Fiamengo File.
Sage Gerard Collegiate Activism Director, AVfM Operations LLC – ‘How to Bring Men’s Rights to Campus’
Sage Gerard is an internationally-recognized advocate for men’s rights student organizations, and an authoritative contact for students trying to resist hostile universities. Sage founded Zen Men to counteract gender ideology in education systems.
Tim Hammond – ‘Exploring the Aftermath of Male Circumcision: Findings from the 2012 Global Survey of Infant Circumcision’
Tim Hammond is an American independent researcher and human rights advocate. He has conducted two surveys into the long-term adverse effects of infant circumcision (Male Genital Mutilation) on men’s health.
Anil Kumar Save Indian Family Foundation – ‘Organizational Models that made the difference: Success stories in India’
Anil Kumar was the founder of India’s first ever men’s community centres, in New Delhi and Bangalore. He has testified twice in front of Parliamentary inquiries, seeking to protect innocent men and women from the impact of false allegations against men. His community centre website is SIFF’s NGO (charitable trust) website is
Herbert Purdy– ‘Feminism: Their Angry Creed’
Herbert Purdy is a British author, commentator, and blogger on feminism and its effect on society. He stands implacably opposed to all it represents, and believes it is time people woke up to its danger.
Karen Straughan – ‘Toxic Femininity’
Karen Straughan (GirlWritesWhat) is a Canadian anti-feminist who has been writing and video blogging on gender issues since 2010. Her widely-admired videos have raised the consciousness about gender issues and feminism of huge numbers of people, and she has been described as the #1 Recruiting Sergeant for the Men’s Human Rights Movement.
European News Director, AVFM Operations, LLC – ‘The Status of Men in Continental Europe: Ideology, Legislation, and Activism’
Lucian Valsan is a Romanian libertarian-conservative, polyglot, and staunch non-feminist. He runs the YouTube channel Freedom Alternative.
Milo Yiannopoulos – ‘How to Beat Feminists in Debates’
Milo Yiannopoulos is a British journalist and entrepreneur. He founded The Kernel, an online tabloid magazine about technology, which he sold to Daily Dot Media in 2014. He was involved in the Gamergate controversy, criticizing the politicization of video game culture. He is an Associate Editor for, a United States-based news and opinion website.
Tickets for the three-day conference will cost £265.00, and there will be a four-month easy payment option, at no extra charge. An Early Bird Discount price of £225 will be available for a short time.
It’s important, of course, that we’re assured of sufficient delegates to make this conference financially viable. To give us a clear sense of the minimum delegate numbers we might expect, we are asking people planning to attend, to pay a pre-registration fee of £22.00 no later than 22:00 GMT on Sunday 6 December. You can do so through this link, using PayPal or credit/debit cards. Please email me ( if you experience any difficulty making a payment.
IMPORTANT: Please do not send anything more than the £22.00 pre-registration fee at this stage, and do not book flights or accommodation until we officially announce the conference will be going ahead.
Pre-registration fees will be non-refundable, if the conference proceeds as planned.
In the event that a conference on the scale envisaged proves to be unviable, or a smaller conference planned, pre-registration fees will be refunded in full upon request, or credited against the conference ticket price.
A decision will be taken w/c 7 December on whether:
- the conference will proceed as planned
- a smaller conference will be undertaken
- the event will be cancelled
Pre-registration fee refunds that are required will be processed no later than 31 December 2015.
Conference tickets will be on sale from w/c 7 December. Only people who have paid pre-registration fees will be eligible to buy tickets before the end of December, and the £22 pre-registration fee will be deducted from ticket prices. From 1 January, tickets will be made available to the general public.
If you want to be very sure of attending the conference, pre-register, and pay for your ticket before the end of December.
Paying the pre-registration fee alone will not guarantee you a ticket. If you seek to buy a ticket after 1 January, and tickets are no longer available, your pre-registration fee will be refunded in full.
J4MB is taking full responsibility for the financial aspects of the conference. Any surplus from the event will be placed in the J4MB ‘war chest’ which covers our campaign-related expenses, including those associated with our 2020 general election strategy. Nobody connected with J4MB draws personal income from donations, party membership subscriptions, conference ticket sales, or any other revenue streams.
Our strategy is to challenge the party (or parties) in power, because only they can stop the state’s attacks on the human rights of men and boys. Under David Cameron’s leadership since 2010, the Conservative party has been at least as pro-feminist / anti-male as the Labour administrations of 1997-2010, and in some areas even worse.
We are really looking forward to meeting you all at the London conference, and seeing old friends from across the world, as well as making new ones.
Why not combine the event with a longer trip to London? Maybe a long weekend if you are travelling locally, or a wonderful holiday in the UK – or possibly beyond – if you’re travelling from further afield. A visitor’s guide to London is here. July is undoubtedly the best month of the year for weather in the UK, being generally sunny and dry, and tourist numbers are lower than in August.
Whatever the weather, you can be sure of a warm welcome at the conference. And for those on tight budget, we’re investigating the availability and cost of student accommodation in London, near our preferred conference venues. We look forward to meeting you and, together, taking the next decisive step forward for the human rights of men and boys (and the women who love them). We are confident this event will in time be seen as another landmark in the struggle for justice for men and boys, in line with the 2014 Detroit conference.
Mike Buchanan, Party Leader
Justice for Men & Boys (and the women who love them)
Kemp House
152 City Road
London, EC1V 2NX
P.S. A few words on the depth of capability behind the conference. I worked as a consultant and Head of Procurement for the Conservative Party from 2006-2008, developing a highly successful commercial model for its conferences which, with 12,000+ delegates every year, have long been the biggest multi-day conference events in Europe. Using my experience, expertise, and contacts, we can expect this conference to run smoothly on all fronts.
P.P.S. For people who may not be well versed in men’s issues, the key issues include:
Circumcision of male minors (Male Genital Mutilation) – the procedure is unquestionably illegal in the UK, but Theresa May MP, Home Secretary, declined to answer our FOI request, which asked why the police are not prosecuting the practitioners. MGM also breaches numerous Articles of European Union and United Nations conventions.
Educational attainment – males have been falling behind females throughout the education system for many years. Women are given financial assistance denied to men, e.g. at Brunel University, only women doing MSc courses in Engineering are given an additional £22,750.
Employment – anti-male discrimination in recruitment and promotion.
Domestic violence – male victims are denied support. Virtually all refuge places are allocated to women and children.
Fathers – denied access to their children following family breakdowns.
Armed Forces veterans – denied adequate support for dealing with mental health issues, including Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Homelessness – almost 90% of street homeless are men.
Suicide – the male:female suicide rate ratio has increased from 1.7:1 to 3.5:1 in 30 years.
Prison sentencing – five out of six men in British prisons wouldn’t be there, if men were sentenced as leniently as women for the same crimes.
Paternity fraud – the Crown never prosecutes women committing this crime, even when it has proof of their guilt from paternity tests.
Anonymity for suspected sex offenders – men’s lives are ruined by false rape allegations. The men’s accusers enjoy anonymity, while the men don’t.
Divorce – financially crippling settlements still demanded from men.
Healthcare provision – two national screening programmes for female-specific cancers, none for male-specific cancers, although as many men die from prostate cancer, as women die from breast cancer.
Political representation – all-women shortlists, women preferenced for ministerial positions. Jess Phillips (a Labour MP) blocked the application of Philip Davies (a Conservative MP) for a debate on men’s issues on International Men’s Day, November 19. Happily, the debate is going to go ahead, anyway.
State intervention in director appointments – the government continues to bully FTSE companies into appointing more female directors, although longitudinal studies show a causal link between increasing female representation on corporate boards, and financial decline. Mike Buchanan presented that evidence to House of Commons and House of Lords inquiries in 2012.
Public understanding of these issues, and the roles feminists play in most of them, is growing by the day. If you wish to learn more about these men’s issues (and others) a good starting point may be our 2015 general election manifesto, which covered 20 areas where the human rights of men and boys are assaulted by the actions and inactions of the state. In the UK, the human rights of women and girls specifically are assaulted by the state in no areas.
The J4MB YouTube library is here. It includes 100+ radio and television appearances by Mike Buchanan since the launch of J4MB in 2013.
International Conference on Men’s Issues, London, 8-10 July, 2016.
These are exciting times for people concerned by the relentless attacks on the human rights of men and boys around the world. Following the success of the first International Conference on Men’s Issues, hosted by A Voice for Men in Detroit in 2014, it’s time for another gathering.
The British political party Justice for Men and Boys (and the women who love them) – J4MB – is pleased to announce it will host the International Conference on Men’s Issues 2016, in London, 8-10 July. It will do so in association with A Voice for Men, the American website which is by a considerable distance the most-visited and most influential website in the world advocating for men’s human rights.
J4MB approached a long list of potential speakers, all well-known as advocates for men’s human rights. All agreed to our invitations, without hesitation. The conference will be a rare opportunity for you to listen to, and meet, many of the figures you may until now have only seen online. The speakers, and the provisional titles of their talks, are given below.
Keynote speaker
Erin Pizzey Domestic violence campaigner – ‘Intergenerational Family Violence v. The Big Lie.’
In 1971, Erin Pizzey founded the very first battered women’s shelter in the world, in Chiswick, London. She had no idea what would be coming her way for her troubles, including death threats, bomb threats, and multiple incidents of stalking. In her book Prone to Violence (1982) she showed how misguided we are in dealing with Intimate Partner Violence (IPV). She has been refuting lies about IPV for 40+ years, and runs
Other speakers, in surname alphabetical order
Paul Apreda — Families Need Fathers (Both Parents Matter) Cymru – ‘The State’s War on Fathers’
Paul Apreda is the National Manager of the charity FNF Both Parents Matter Cymru. The charity provides practical and emotional support to parents with child contact problems in Wales, and undertakes research on issues impacting on men.
Janet Bloomfield – ‘How Feminism Infantilizes Women’
Janet Bloomfield is a Canadian anti-feminist writer and blogger. She was one of the first female anti-feminist bloggers, using the pseudonym ‘JudgyBitch’. She was one of the original contributors to Women Against Feminism. She has explained why feminism is the major ideology standing in the way of legal equality between men and women.
Mike Buchanan Party leader, J4MB – ‘The Political War on Men and Boys’
Mike Buchanan is a British anti-feminist author and men’s rights advocate. His last book was Feminism: the ugly truth. He launched J4MB in 2013. It remains the only political party in the English-speaking world campaigning for the human rights of men and boys on many fronts. He also runs Campaign for Merit in Business.
Paul Elam Founder and publisher, A Voice for Men – ‘Gynocentrism: the Root of Feminism’
Paul Elam is an American, and the most well-known men’s human rights advocate in the world. A former mental health professional, he launched A Voice for Men (AVfM) in 2009. AVfM has long been the most-visited and most influential website in the world advocating for men’s human rights.
Dean Esmay, National Coalition for Men (NCFM) — ‘MGTOW and the new Renaissance’
Dean is a world-renowned activist and expert on intimate partner violence, child abuse, sexual abuse, public policy and MGTOW. He is a contributor to many publications, former Managing Editor of A Voice for Men, and is currently with The National Coalition for Men.
Janice Fiamengo Professor, Department of English, Ottawa University – ‘How Feminism is Destroying Higher Education’
Janice Fiamengo is a strident Canadian supporter of free speech, and an advocate for gender fairness. She is producing a series of anti-feminist videos called The Fiamengo File.
Sage Gerard Collegiate Activism Director, AVfM Operations LLC – ‘How to Bring Men’s Rights to Campus’
Sage Gerard is an internationally-recognized advocate for men’s rights student organizations, and an authoritative contact for students trying to resist hostile universities. Sage founded Zen Men to counteract gender ideology in education systems.
Tim Hammond – ‘Exploring the Aftermath of Male Circumcision: Findings from the 2012 Global Survey of Infant Circumcision’
Tim Hammond is an American independent researcher and human rights advocate. He has conducted two surveys into the long-term adverse effects of infant circumcision (Male Genital Mutilation) on men’s health.
Anil Kumar Save Indian Family Foundation – ‘Organizational Models that made the difference: Success stories in India’
Anil Kumar was the founder of India’s first ever men’s community centres, in New Delhi and Bangalore. He has testified twice in front of Parliamentary inquiries, seeking to protect innocent men and women from the impact of false allegations against men. His community centre website is SIFF’s NGO (charitable trust) website is
Herbert Purdy– ‘Feminism: Their Angry Creed’
Herbert Purdy is a British author, commentator, and blogger on feminism and its effect on society. He stands implacably opposed to all it represents, and believes it is time people woke up to its danger.
Karen Straughan – ‘Toxic Femininity’
Karen Straughan (GirlWritesWhat) is a Canadian anti-feminist who has been writing and video blogging on gender issues since 2010. Her widely-admired videos have raised the consciousness about gender issues and feminism of huge numbers of people, and she has been described as the #1 Recruiting Sergeant for the Men’s Human Rights Movement.
European News Director, AVFM Operations, LLC – ‘The Status of Men in Continental Europe: Ideology, Legislation, and Activism’
Lucian Valsan is a Romanian libertarian-conservative, polyglot, and staunch non-feminist. He runs the YouTube channel Freedom Alternative.
Milo Yiannopoulos – ‘How to Beat Feminists in Debates’
Milo Yiannopoulos is a British journalist and entrepreneur. He founded The Kernel, an online tabloid magazine about technology, which he sold to Daily Dot Media in 2014. He was involved in the Gamergate controversy, criticizing the politicization of video game culture. He is an Associate Editor for, a United States-based news and opinion website.
Tickets for the three-day conference will cost £265.00, and there will be a four-month easy payment option, at no extra charge. An Early Bird Discount price of £225 will be available for a short time.
It’s important, of course, that we’re assured of sufficient delegates to make this conference financially viable. To give us a clear sense of the minimum delegate numbers we might expect, we are asking people planning to attend, to pay a pre-registration fee of £22.00 no later than 22:00 GMT on Sunday 6 December. You can do so through this link, using PayPal or credit/debit cards. Please email me ( if you experience any difficulty making a payment.
IMPORTANT: Please do not send anything more than the £22.00 pre-registration fee at this stage, and do not book flights or accommodation until we officially announce the conference will be going ahead.
Pre-registration fees will be non-refundable, if the conference proceeds as planned.
In the event that a conference on the scale envisaged proves to be unviable, or a smaller conference planned, pre-registration fees will be refunded in full upon request, or credited against the conference ticket price.
A decision will be taken w/c 7 December on whether:
Pre-registration fee refunds that are required will be processed no later than 31 December 2015.
Conference tickets will be on sale from w/c 7 December. Only people who have paid pre-registration fees will be eligible to buy tickets before the end of December, and the £22 pre-registration fee will be deducted from ticket prices. From 1 January, tickets will be made available to the general public.
If you want to be very sure of attending the conference, pre-register, and pay for your ticket before the end of December.
Paying the pre-registration fee alone will not guarantee you a ticket. If you seek to buy a ticket after 1 January, and tickets are no longer available, your pre-registration fee will be refunded in full.
J4MB is taking full responsibility for the financial aspects of the conference. Any surplus from the event will be placed in the J4MB ‘war chest’ which covers our campaign-related expenses, including those associated with our 2020 general election strategy. Nobody connected with J4MB draws personal income from donations, party membership subscriptions, conference ticket sales, or any other revenue streams.
Our strategy is to challenge the party (or parties) in power, because only they can stop the state’s attacks on the human rights of men and boys. Under David Cameron’s leadership since 2010, the Conservative party has been at least as pro-feminist / anti-male as the Labour administrations of 1997-2010, and in some areas even worse.
We are really looking forward to meeting you all at the London conference, and seeing old friends from across the world, as well as making new ones.
Why not combine the event with a longer trip to London? Maybe a long weekend if you are travelling locally, or a wonderful holiday in the UK – or possibly beyond – if you’re travelling from further afield. A visitor’s guide to London is here. July is undoubtedly the best month of the year for weather in the UK, being generally sunny and dry, and tourist numbers are lower than in August.
Whatever the weather, you can be sure of a warm welcome at the conference. And for those on tight budget, we’re investigating the availability and cost of student accommodation in London, near our preferred conference venues. We look forward to meeting you and, together, taking the next decisive step forward for the human rights of men and boys (and the women who love them). We are confident this event will in time be seen as another landmark in the struggle for justice for men and boys, in line with the 2014 Detroit conference.
Mike Buchanan, Party Leader
Justice for Men & Boys (and the women who love them)
Kemp House
152 City Road
London, EC1V 2NX
P.S. A few words on the depth of capability behind the conference. I worked as a consultant and Head of Procurement for the Conservative Party from 2006-2008, developing a highly successful commercial model for its conferences which, with 12,000+ delegates every year, have long been the biggest multi-day conference events in Europe. Using my experience, expertise, and contacts, we can expect this conference to run smoothly on all fronts.
P.P.S. For people who may not be well versed in men’s issues, the key issues include:
Circumcision of male minors (Male Genital Mutilation) – the procedure is unquestionably illegal in the UK, but Theresa May MP, Home Secretary, declined to answer our FOI request, which asked why the police are not prosecuting the practitioners. MGM also breaches numerous Articles of European Union and United Nations conventions.
Educational attainment – males have been falling behind females throughout the education system for many years. Women are given financial assistance denied to men, e.g. at Brunel University, only women doing MSc courses in Engineering are given an additional £22,750.
Employment – anti-male discrimination in recruitment and promotion.
Domestic violence – male victims are denied support. Virtually all refuge places are allocated to women and children.
Fathers – denied access to their children following family breakdowns.
Armed Forces veterans – denied adequate support for dealing with mental health issues, including Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Homelessness – almost 90% of street homeless are men.
Suicide – the male:female suicide rate ratio has increased from 1.7:1 to 3.5:1 in 30 years.
Prison sentencing – five out of six men in British prisons wouldn’t be there, if men were sentenced as leniently as women for the same crimes.
Paternity fraud – the Crown never prosecutes women committing this crime, even when it has proof of their guilt from paternity tests.
Anonymity for suspected sex offenders – men’s lives are ruined by false rape allegations. The men’s accusers enjoy anonymity, while the men don’t.
Divorce – financially crippling settlements still demanded from men.
Healthcare provision – two national screening programmes for female-specific cancers, none for male-specific cancers, although as many men die from prostate cancer, as women die from breast cancer.
Political representation – all-women shortlists, women preferenced for ministerial positions. Jess Phillips (a Labour MP) blocked the application of Philip Davies (a Conservative MP) for a debate on men’s issues on International Men’s Day, November 19. Happily, the debate is going to go ahead, anyway.
State intervention in director appointments – the government continues to bully FTSE companies into appointing more female directors, although longitudinal studies show a causal link between increasing female representation on corporate boards, and financial decline. Mike Buchanan presented that evidence to House of Commons and House of Lords inquiries in 2012.
Public understanding of these issues, and the roles feminists play in most of them, is growing by the day. If you wish to learn more about these men’s issues (and others) a good starting point may be our 2015 general election manifesto, which covered 20 areas where the human rights of men and boys are assaulted by the actions and inactions of the state. In the UK, the human rights of women and girls specifically are assaulted by the state in no areas.
The J4MB YouTube library is here. It includes 100+ radio and television appearances by Mike Buchanan since the launch of J4MB in 2013.
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