In the United States and Canada, violent crime has been steadily diminishing for the last 30 years. In 1980, in the United States, there were 49.5 instances of violent criminal victimization, not including murder, per 100,000 people per year.
In 2008, this had fallen to 19 instances per 100,000 people per year, according to the bureau of justice statistics [1].
A 2009[2] report from the BJS breaks this down further by type of crime, starting from a rate of violent criminal victimization of 17.1 instances per 100,00 people.
For serious violent crimes, the number is considerably lower, just 5.8 instances of victimization per 1000 people, and this number is broken down further by specific crime.
For robbery – 2.1 per 100,000 people.
For aggravated assault – 3.2 per 100,000 people.
For simple assault – 11.3 per 100,000 people.
For rape and sexual assault, just 0.5 per 100,000 people per year.
Homicide occurred at a rate of between 6 and 15 instances per 100,000 people in 2007, depending on the age group of the victim.
Murders of victims aged 14 to 17 occurred at a rate of 6.1 per 100,000 people.
Murders of victims aged 18 to 24 occurred at a rate of 16.5 per 100,000 people.
Murders of victims over 25 years of age occurred at a rate of 6 per 100.000 people.
For instances of murder, men are the majority of offenders, but also, overwhelmingly the victims in cases where the perpetrator is male, and in cases where the perpetrator is female.
Murders with a Male offender/Male victim comprised 65.3% of total murders.
Murders with a Male offender/Female victim comprised 22.7% of total murders.
Murders with a Female offender/Male victim comprised 9.6% of total murders.
Murders with a Female offender/Female victim comprised 2.4% of total murders.
One of the lies which radical feminists tell us over and over is that we live in what they call a rape oriented society; rape culture if you insist on coining the lie.
This is a bizarre claim as the stats demonstrate rape and sexual assault occurring at the lowest level of the nonfatal violent crimes recorded by the bureau of justice statistics, 1/6 the rate of the next most common violent crime of robbery.
Based on the continuously diminishing rates of violent crime, it is irresponsible to suggest that we live in a violent crime oriented society, and it is flamboyantly ignorant and wantonly dishonest to suggest that we live in a rape culture.
It can be argued that ours is a kleptocracy; a society based on theft by corporations from the public, but that’s a topic for another discussion.
Certainly, this is not a rape-ocracy, and anybody who claims it is, is a lying idiot.
Well, a lying something, not necessarily an idiot. Some people beating the drum of an epidemic of rape are generating an income from the fiction. In fact, an entire victim industry revolves around maintaining this narrative. But, fraud and hate crime that that is, it’s not the point I want to make today.
The proponents of the rape-is-everywhere myth – in addition to propagating their ideological falsehood have also managed to sanctify the status of victimhood of the crime of rape. An identified rape victim is now elevated in our society to some sort of bizarre celebrity. We don’t afford this status to the overwhelming male victims of robbery, assault and aggravated assault, so why is rape special? It’s a violent crime, and it’s a bad outcome for anybody experiencing it but you know what? It’s not the end of the universe.
If you’re the victim of a rape in the real world, you’ll get over it. Your life will go on, and you’ll still have to eat, sleep and defecate just like everybody else. Being raped doesn’t make you a special person, and in fact, unpleasant, as unwanted sex is, it’s not actually that big a deal. Even if the rape is a particularly brutal and violent event – if the victim of a rape isn’t physically crippled in the event, they’ll recover just as anybody subject to an assault or an aggravated assault recovers.
I’ve been badly beaten a handful of times in my life, and on one occasion in my early twenties I was stabbed. It was serious enough that had I not been delivered to a hospital within about 30 minutes, I would likely have died. I’m not special because of that, and somebody raped is also not special, they’re simply the victim of a violent crime, just like anybody else so unfortunate.
Rape however occupies a special status in our collective sentiments. It’s treated as the most abhorrent breakdown of all that is good in the universe, but I’ll argue that forced sexual acts perpetrated against a woman is not worse, and in many cases, not as bad as aggravated assault resulting in serious injuries committed against a man – something that according to the stats happens 6 times more often.
What’s really going on here, is that women, whether we admit to it or not occupy a position of elevated status and privilege in western society. They’re sentenced more lightly by the criminal courts, they’re elevated into supremacy in the education system they enjoy benevolent sexism in romance, hypergamy is the normal mode of matrimony, and women are favored in the family courts. Women also dispose of 65% of discretionary spending, despite a real lifetimes earning imbalance weighted towards men. It doesn’t matter who earns the money, women spend it.
Unfortunately, in the feminist mainstream of our society, this elevated status is not acknowledged, and we persist with a fantasy of women’s oppression. And this actual privilege and pretend oppression is why a woman’s victimization through rape is such a special, extra horrible crime, despite the objective reality that although it is and should remain a crime, its nothing more complicated than forced sex.