Some questions on strategy
But of course, if every third sentence on this site has the work “fuck” in it, we are sunk before we start. So we have to question, and the way we do it here is openly: What is in the best interest of our mission?
But of course, if every third sentence on this site has the work “fuck” in it, we are sunk before we start. So we have to question, and the way we do it here is openly: What is in the best interest of our mission?
It is time to call bullshit on all the lies. No better place to start than with the liar-in-chief. There are at least a dozen provisions for women that ObamaCare mandates funding for, including a national “Department of Women’s Health”. There are ZERO for men.
The willingness with which children and tourists participated by purchasing lemonade in disobedience of the police instructions is an indicator of how little respect the general public has for government in general.
The Washington Post published a short piece on this interview illustrating the willful ignorance and stupidity which a major fraction of the mainstream media seem to be following.
I thought that the propensity for manginosity had a bottom; that a man could only go so far in self denigration and obsequious groveling, at least outside the confines of some comedy routine.
With sincere thanks to Chapin, The Maestro.
A special video on corrupt prosecutor Mary Kellett
Life’s tragedies often make the best comedy.
And once BC has spoken, we can return to other business while feminism continues to stumble and fail with the same rapidity that the MRM is growing.
Of course the good man has good cause to eschew mentioning them by names that might falsely imply any individuality, or individual human worth on their part.