For real love to arise, romantic love must die. Part one.
Paul with some thoughts for a young red pill man contemplating the possibility of a relationship.
Paul with some thoughts for a young red pill man contemplating the possibility of a relationship.
Healing can come from a variety of sources, and intimate relationships might not be the one-stop panacea we sometimes paint them to be.
The more you look at the realities about getting involved with borderline personality disordered women, the more steering clear becomes the option of choice. Nowhere is this more evident than where it concerns having children.
The Red Pill journey can be a lonesome one. With all its power to shield and protect, it can have a negative impact on healing. Paul Elam with a reminder that taking a red pill doesn’t require the life of a hermit.
Paul with some advice on spotting women with personality disorders. The first step is to take off your blindfold.
When men and women interact based on an understanding of their differences, things tend to go right says Tim Patten.
Sooner or later, every man will have to debitch his life. Paul offers some tips for when the time comes.
Sometimes a review of the basics is in order. This is especially true about women, where men forget the basics all the time.
Paul has some words about the silent treatment … and the message is loud and clear.
Sage takes on…5 Things Women Know that Men Don’t