Love sick (part 3)
In part-3 of the series Dr, Tallis looks at the difference between Oriental and Western approaches to forming relationships – between arranged coupling and romantic love.
Love sick (part 2)
We continue Dr. Frank Tallis’s survey of romantic love with Part-2 – which looks into the origin and evolution of men placing women on pedestals
Time to throw the baby out with the bathwater
Relationship dramas often revolve around who is going to play the child in the relationship and who is going to play the responsible parent.
Time to throw the baby out with the bathwater
Relationship dramas often revolve around who is going to play the child in the relationship and who is going to play the responsible parent.
Husband’s sexual obligation to wife is matter of life & death
Modern gynocentrism teaches that sex is a privilege, but it wasn’t always so. It was once a duty, backed by shame and punishment of men who didn’t measure up for wives.